Tom Roche Monday, May 7, 2012 10:09:29 AM UTC-7
>> How to [easily] overwrite managed files in an existing directory
>> with the latest versions from a remote branch/repo, without merging
>> or whack-n-clone?

as defined @ top of thread

Note again, I'm trying to keep it simple/easy for a group of
(relatively) new adopters who don't self-identify as software

Peter J Weisberg Mon, 7 May 2012 15:35:02 -0700 (PDT)
> git fetch origin
> git reset --hard origin/master

> DON'T use `reset` if there's anything in the local branch history
> that you don't want to lose. `reset` affects the history of the
> current branch, not just the working files.

Belated thanks for that advice! which got us started. Since then
another workflow has evolved, about which I'd appreciate comments/
warnings, especially

* warnings of the form, "under [plausible circumstances], your
  workflow produces [significant harms]"

* pointers to existing tools handle this usecase better

0 User switches remote to the desired repo.

1 User runs bash script (follows my .sig to end of post) to see what
  if any changes have been made in remote.

2 If user wants to adopt changes, s/he does

$ git merge --no-commit [${TARGET}]

Seems to work, but is this likely to "bite back"? or is there
A Better Way(tm) to do this?

TIA, Tom Roche <>---script follows to end of post---

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# adapted from

# TODO: usage
# TODO: add --verbose, turn off echo-ing by default

CURRENT_BRANCH="$(git branch &>/dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$(git 
branch | grep '^*' |sed s/\*\ //)"; fi)"

if [[ -z "${CURRENT_BRANCH}" ]]; then
  echo -e 'ERROR: cannot determine current branch'
  exit 1
  if [[ -z "${TARGET}" ]]; then
    TRACKING_REPO="$(git config branch.${CURRENT_BRANCH}.remote)"
    if [[ -z "${TRACKING_REPO}" ]]; then
      echo -e 'ERROR: cannot determine tracking repository'
      exit 2
      REMOTE_BRANCH="$(git config branch.${CURRENT_BRANCH}.merge | sed -e 
      echo -e "REMOTE_REPO=${REMOTE_REPO}"
      echo -e "no TARGET specified by command, using TARGET=${TARGET}"

# payload
echo -e "Incoming changes from TARGET=${TARGET}"
# TODO: only diff if -n $(git log)
for CMD in \
  "git fetch" \
  "git log ..${TARGET}" \
  "git diff ..${TARGET}" \
; do
  echo -e "$ ${CMD}"
  eval "${CMD}"
exit 0

# Note on double dots '..' above from 2nd answer @
# > You can use various combinations of specifiers to git to see your diffs as 
you desire:

# > $ git diff remote/origin   
# > This shows the incoming remote changes as deletions; any commits in your 
local repository are shown as additions.

# > $ git diff ...remote/origin
# > Shows incoming remote changes as additions; the triple-dot excludes changes 
committed to your local repository.

# > $ git diff ..remote/origin
# > Shows incoming remote changes as additions; the double-dot includes changes 
committed to your local repository as deletions (since they are not yet pushed).

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