
I am looking at formulating and then documenting our vcs workflow
using Git at work. I have an idea of how I want things to work, but am
a little hazy on some of the details.

Our basic workflow will be based around:
http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model, with a few

We would like to create our release-* branches from the last release
tag. From there, we would like the ability to cherry pick (or take the
complete diff) commits from the develop branch.

So, we are after is:

1) Create topic (feature) branches from develop, and merge back into
develop when complete.

2) Once it is decided we are packaging a release, make a release-*
branch from the previous release tag.

3) Cherry pick/merge/whatever any commits we want from develop into
the new release-* until it is complete.

4) Merge the new release-* branch into master and tag it.

Repeat as necessary.

At the moment I am a little stuck on how exactly we can cherry pick
stuff from develop into a release-* branch. I'm not even sure this
approach is exactly what we should be doing, but we definitely need 
the opportunity here to filter stuff going into production.

Our main concern is that at this stage, there is no guarantee that all
commits within develop can be pulled into a release.

In regards to how we can achieve the above results any input would be
much appreciated. Or if there are any other better options available,
I'm all ears.


Tony Quilkey

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