I download open source projects sometimes. Some of these are git repos,
other subversion, and some are tar files. I usually end up doing something

#create and populate new source subdirectory, eg:
tar xjf some-project.tar.bz2
# above created new subdirectory: some-project
cd some-project
git init
git add -A .
git commit -m 'Initial setup'
# if I do a "git clone", I don't do the above, of course
cd /NFS/server1/git/ # home to all my bare repositories - on a NAS box
git init --bare --shared some-project.git
cd - #back to working repo
git remote add origin /NFS/server1/git/some-project.git
git --set-upstream-to=origin/master
git push --all
git branch --track
# distribution repro is now populated

Is the above the "proper" way to do this? Or should I simply do a recursive
copy of the .git folder contents into the /NFS/server1/git/some-project.git

# in working directory
cd .git
cp -av . /NFS/server1/git/some-project.git/

I'm concerned that this latter will set some config options properly. But I
wouldn't mind a "simplier" method. Of course, I can put all the 1st example
commands together in a shell script, passing it the name of the bare
repository. Or maybe just assuming that the bare repository name is the
same as the working directory name, with ".git" at the end.

This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. If this had been an
actual emergency, do you really think we'd stick around to tell you?

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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