Thanks a lot Konstantin for the information, will doing research on this.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Konstantin Khomoutov <> wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 12:00:00 -0500
> lingfei ouyang <> wrote:
> > and one more quick question?
> >
> > What is the correct way for define the variable in pre-commit hooks
> > in Git bash so I can using those three variables to run git commands,
> > i.e.
> >
> > git show $newrev
> > git merge-base $oldreve $newrev
> >
> > since what I tried in my bash scripts first to define:
> > refname="$1"
> > oldrev="$2"
> > newrev="$3"
> > but when I run check if those three variables are valid first and it
> > doesn't return any value.
> Your question has little sense as is: to define a variable in bash (and
> in any other POSIX shell) yo do
> variable=value
> to assign value to a variable named "variable" (possibly creating it).
> Hence a dumb answer is that you're doing assignments right.
> On the other hand, I'm not so sure about these "$1", "$2" and "$3":
> in a POSIX shell, $1 expands to the value of the first so-called
> positional parameter, $2 to the value of the second positional
> parameter and so on.  Positional parameters are arguments passed to the
> shell process on its command line, for instance, if you call
> $ ./ foo bar baz
> $1 inside would expand to foo, $2 to bar etc.
> The problem is that by (stupid) default it's not an error in a POSIX
> shell to attempt to expand a parameter which does not exist.
> I mean, if you have a script reading
> #!/bin/bash
> foo="$1"
> echo "$foo"
> and run it without any arguments, like just
> $ ./
> it will execute successfully and print nothing (a newline, actually).
> The reason: there was no first positional parameter, so $1 expanded to
> an empty string instead of erroring out and so the variable foo has been
> assigned an empty string which echo printed.
> What I'm leading you to is just supposedly what you're observing is
> your hook not receiving any arguments and hence it has no positional
> parameters set.  Which leads us to the next question: did you read the
> githooks(5) manual page to read up on how exactly Git communicates
> its information to your kind of hook?  Or is there any such information
> at all?  I know the answer but I want you to start thinking and doing
> some active research.

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