On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 6:01:05 PM UTC+1, Eric Reischer wrote:
> git-archive seems interesting, but alas, I *do* want to deliver a git 
> repository, because there will be times (albeit rare) where we may code up 
> a quick on-site fix at the customer site, and want to be able to 
> conveniently deliver that update back to our shop.  git-bundle is ideally 
> suited for that situation

What I would do here (I think, but it's not easy to say from outside), if 
the need for a quick on-site fix arises, would be to do a quick git-init 
add their source code, do the quick fixes, and then bring the fixes home in 
shape of patch-files.

> , and if I'm just using git to package up the source files, I can 
> accomplish the same thing just by removing the .git folder.

Perhaps, but git archive is safer, faster and easier.

> I'm thinking a series of scripts that makes the necessary shallow clones 
> and packages up the resulting repositories is probably going to be my best 
> solution, and just dropping the super-repo idea.  It was just a convenience 
> thing (there isn't any code in the top-level folder for the super-repo to 
> track), so it's looking like that would be providing more work than benefit.

OK, but it does sound a wee bit complicated. Whatever floats your boat :) 

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