On Thursday, 26 June 2014 15:19:23 UTC+2, Bojan Stankovic wrote:
> Hello!
> I have a situation with a larger project that has lots of 
> modules/libraries with their respective repos. Most of these modules are 
> dependencies of other modules which are than dependencies of a project. And 
> now it has come to the point where the main project has several 
> sub-projects and many of modules are being shared. Some dependencies are 
> more than 3-4 levels deep.
> I have read that it is possible to update/pull submodules inside of a 
> project, but that works only for 1st level of submodules. Let's say that 
> those submodules have their own submodules (2nd level) and that some 1st 
> level submodules share the same 2nd level submodules. Also, 2nd lvl 
> submodules have their submodules (lvl3), etc. Now what I should do is to 
> firstly push changes made in 3rd level, than update submodules in 2nd level 
> modules and push those, now I can go to 1st level, update and push, and 
> finally update my project submodules and push those.
> This is now not only more work, but it still doesn't solve my problem why 
> I need something like this and that is to be able to easily push and pull 
> multiple repositories when changes were being made to those that dependent 
> on each other. It can easily happen that someone in a team pushes changes 
> in 4 of 5 repos, and when other members pull all except this one production 
> line stops until error has been found.
> What can I do about this? Maybe some advices about workflow, has anyone 
> else encountered this problem or is there some feature in Git that solves 
> this.
> Best regards,
> Bojan
 Hm, sounds like a lot of submodules to me. Not sure if there is a proper, 
well-though workflow for this kind of case? I don't use submodules that 
much so I'll let people more experienced than me share their thoughts on 
this. However, you might be interested in knowing *git-submodule* has a 
foreach command, which itself has a very useful *--recursive* option for 
running commands on nested submodules. More infos on git-submodule's man 
page <http://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule>.

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