Dear Philip, Others,

Thanks a lot. I have some follow-up questions.

I am using a simple scenario to get additional clarity.

1) I have 4 files in my branch (a,b,c,d)
2) I modify a
3) I add a
4) I modify b,c
5) I add b,c
6) I commit
7) I modify d
8) I commit d
9) I push to remote

Does step 6) above result in single commit object (single SHA reference) or 

>From a developer engineer's perspective, what does commit signify? Does it 
mean something key development is complete?
I ask this question to understand when a developer would do some 
development but would make multiple commits.

Similarly, if during push step, if it is found that remote is ahead of 
local (and most likely requires merging) then does it mean anything wrt to 
the already computed SHA?
I assume that already computed SHA has no meaning.


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