Kevin Norton <> writes:

> i'm in the process of coming up with a strategy to convert a very large
> project from SVN to GIT.
> i'm experimented with git svn clone but have some questions.
> how large is to large.
> current SVN repo
> 80K+ revisions.
> suffers from poor SCM practices
> current structure in SVN is using cascading hierarchy. Essentially each
> release branch becomes the trunk (not officially named as trunk) and then
> next release branches to start next development release branch and so on,
> Think of a stairway.
> Essentially current code sitting in Trunk is extremely old, relevant code
> is at the end of the branching staircase.
> My first issue i'm trying to sort out.
> Should i migrate the entire SVN repo into a staging GIT repo and then clean
> up the GIT repo before pushing to eventual network repo for all developers.
> Will it even clone at this size?
> Or i could clone only the latest release branch and start this as my Master
> in GIT.
> Questions with this approach are how do i keep it from walking the branches
> back through entire SVN repo?
> Only way I've seen so far is to specify SVN revision. Is there another
> approach i'm overlooking.
> Advantage here is smaller conversion but i'm loosing history or have to
> maintain a legacy SVN repo for historical. (maybe its not important?)
> any experience or suggestions with the above are appreciated.

Just bumped into this too In particular this
passage sounds like it could be interesting:

  The svn2git repository gets you an application that will do the actual
  conversion. The conversion exists of looping over each and every
  commit in the subversion repository and matching the changes to a
  ruleset after which the changes are applied to a certain path in a git

I don't know, but maybe you can come up with rules that'll convert your
"staircase development" in SVN to a more common "single branch
development with release branches"?


Magnus Therning              OpenPGP: 0x927912051716CE39
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