I'm a newbie to git, but from what I've learned so far, I want to have both a 
working git repository and a "bare" git repository for some development I want 
to do.

I've seen two ways to create a bare repository (iirc, init --bare ... and 
clone --bare ...) , and I've had a few problems using those so far.

I'm wondering if a third way will work--I would propose to copy the entire 
contents of my working repository to another directory, then delete all that 
is not under the .git directory, and then rename the .git directory to git.

AFAICT, this should work (although maybe I need to completely remove the .git 
directory level and move it to the parent).

In other words, assume I have:

   .../scite with a work space and a .git directory

I would plan to copy this to:

   .../back/scite with no workspace but a git directory


   .../back/scite with no workspace and the content of the git directory here 
(no git subdirectory)


Am I setting a trap for myself?

Some background:

I am paranoid about losing work, and having a hidden directory (.git) where I 
am doing development makes me more paranoid (in the past, I have done things 
like delete directories with hidden subdirectories or files because I forgot 
about the hidden stuff).  So, as I develop, after I commit to the 
.../scite/.git repository, I plan to push to the .../back/scite repository.

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