I'm trying to make my scripts work without cd'ing to the working copy, by 
passing --git-dir and --work-tree to every git command.

It works for everything except submodules.

    + git --git-dir subdir/.git --work-tree subdir submodule add 
    fatal: /usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule cannot be used without a working 

`subdir` and `subdir/submod` are git repositories, already initialized, 
with commits in them. `git submodule update` also fails with the same 

It seems that git-submodule ignores `--work-tree` and refuses to work if 
the current directory isn't inside of the working tree.

Am I missing something? Is it possible to make git-submodule work without 
cd'ing into the working tree?

git 2.24.0, Linux

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