>>> "PO" == Philip Oakley <philipoakley@iee.email> writes:

   > Hi,
   > While in this case you have only added (almost) one character, it is 
   > a minimalistic case without any substantial content. 

Of course this was just an academic exercise to understand the
underlying logic.

   > (one file, one character, perhaps EOL for commit 1; two extra characters 
   > for commit 2)

Ok. This is true.

   > In realistic cases there are usually multiple change hunks, often across a 
   > few files, though yes, the beautiful case is the one line solution. But to 
   > reach the possibility of such beautiful solutions one does need many 
   > thousands of lines of code (and comment) already added/committed.

I understand that issue, you don't have to convince me about its merits.
Mercurial has a similar feature, but it just works the other way around,
by default is disabled, if you want to select certain chunks you must
say so explicitly, that is why I was confused.



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