On Thu, Apr 09, 2020 at 10:38:20AM -0700, Front-end Developer Kumar wrote:

> I'm having an issue, whenever I shut down my laptop, the git Bash logout by 
> own, and when I start my VSCode it asks me to login again and again. Please 
> let me know what is the issue.

Please elaborate on your issue.

"Git Bash" is a Windows port of the bash shell [1] shipped with
Git-for-Windows. Since it's merely a shell (a thing which offers
command-line-oriented environment for you), it does not log into
anything; it has no such concept.

So, the issue with your question is that you either have some
terminological confusion (you call "Git Bash" something which is not Git Bash,
though supposedly related to Git) or you're actually talking about some
program you run _in_ a Git Bash prompt (may be git itself?).

In either case, we need more details to move forward.

1. https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/

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