
For custom diff and merge drivers, it's easy to add them so that upon "git 
diff" or "git merge" the appropriate diff/merge driver is called (by using 
gitattributes to execute the required diff/merge driver):

    *.bin diff=binDiff
    *.txt diff=txtDiff

[diff "binDiff"]
command = binDiff

[diff "txtDiff"]
command = txtDiff

I'd really like similar behaviour for difftool and mergetool (git difftool 
<path>...) without having to specify the difftool with (git difftool -t 
myDiffTool <path>...). Something like this:

    *.bin difftool=binDiff
    *.txt difftool=txtDiff

[difftool "binDiff"]
path = binDiff

[difftool "txtDiff"]
path = txtDiff

I just found this thread which suggests this would be possible: 

Do I just go ahead and give it a go following 
https://git-scm.com/docs/MyFirstContribution? The main downside to this 
suggestion is that for file types that care about having custom drivers the 
attributes file might get quite cluttered:

    *.bin diff=binDiff merge=binMerge difftool=binDiffTool 

But I can't see another way of specifying this without mixing the diff and 
difftool driver configs, which is best to avoid.



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