New to Git and I'm using a basic workflow that I'm not sure is that good so 
wanted to post it here for feedback, critique and suggestions if possible.

Dev = Local Win 7 PC
Staging = Staging Server
Production = Live Site

   1. Develop on a branch (new-feature)
   2. Add, Commit, Push to origin:GitLab
   3. Using WinMerge: Compare Dev Branch Code to Staging Code and manually 
   copy changes to local "staging" code 
   4. FTP modified Staging files up to Staging server 
   5. Dev on new branch (new-feature1) and do the same (steps 2-5) *
   6. Testing performed on branch (new-feature) and approved for Production
   7. Merge approved branch (new-feature) into master
   8. Add, Commit, Push to origin:GitLab
   9. Using WinMerge: Compare Dev master to Production Code manually and 
   copy changes to local "Production" code 
   10. FTP modified Production files up to Production server 
   11. Delete branch 

* This is where comparison is not great - because new branch doesn't have 
previous branch changes and thus is highlighted in WinMerge as different 
files (and therefore, I need to check through and make sure changes are 
related to current branch and merge into Staging files). This can sometimes 
be 3-4 different branches if Testing is slow and regularly, branch 4 will 
be approved before branch 1.

I think the issue at point 5 is what has me thinking this is not the best 
Also, I don't know how to incorporate hot-fixes - I normally just make 
these changes straight to master

I tried adding a remote for staging and production but of course - this 
didn't work because pushing changes to staging will remove the previous 
branch changes allowing for testing of only on branch at a time. 

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