I have my `master`

I created a branch `aftersales`

Today I finalised `aftersales` and commenced a merge.  There were a few 
conflicts which I worked through and fixed, committed and finished merge.

When I published to my staging server, it wasn't working so I went back and 
checked the code... A part of the code was missing... So I checked out 
`aftersales` again to find out what happened...

I checked and the code was there in the `aftersales` branch... I went back 
to `master` and the code wasn't there... How could this be? I merged a 
branch and there was code sitting on the branch but not in the `master`

I tried to merge again ... 

$ git merge aftersales
Already up-to-date.

WTF? What do I do now?

Biggest concern: How much other code was "ignored" in the merge...
How do I get the code into master??? (Obviously I can make changes directly 
into master, copying the changes in but... I'm sure that is not the 
intended git process???)

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