SJW <> writes:

> I am trying to find a good way to track changes to the db but havn't
> got it down pat yet.
> What I am doing
> ```
> git branch feature
> git checkout feature
> ```
> modify code and add/modify database tables
> ...
> create a txt file called feature.txt and list changes. e.g. DB ALTER
> statements etc. that I need to apply to staging and production db's
> ...
> ```
> git add .
> git commit -m "Message"
> git checkout staging
> git merge feature
> git checkout master
> git merge feature
> ```
> Problem I have is that I have all these txt files that are just notes
> so I delete them but they keep reappearing ( because I merged them
> into master and then create new branch etc. )
> I found this was a bit annoying so I stopped adding and committing the
> txt files but now I have these txt files sitting in the unstaged
> changes area of all projects - not a great idea either.
> Any suggestions on how to better manage these notes and somehow ensure
> they remain linked to each feature branch?

I'm not sure I understand exactly what it is you are doing, but it
sounds a bit like you are trying to keep track of manual changes you
make manually in a DB. Have you looked at making use of a
library/framework for migrations instead?


Magnus Therning              OpenPGP: 0x927912051716CE39
twitter: magthe    

Action is the foundational key to all success.
     — Pablo Picasso

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