On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 05:36:55AM -0800, Ayush Bisht wrote:

> Hey there, I'm Ayush. I'm using git since 2 years and today I found an 
> issue. 
> I was cloning a repo with SSH key, and after that I  locally config that 
> repo with an email. But the problem is that, I have entered the wrong email 
> which  belongs to an account. So when I committed some changes  , I found 
> that  the commit was done by that user (with that wrong email ) on that 
> repo. at github. 
> I think it should not be the case.
> I want to know more about this, and if it needs to  fix then I would love 
> to work with you. 

This is not a security issue for a number of reasons.

First, having a commit attributed to a wrong person due to such
misconfiguration is way less severe a possibility than injecting malicious
code to that same software project (if the project is not managing a piece of
software, imagine any other harm which might result from inserting malicious
modifications to _the content_ - as opposed to metadata, which e-mail
addresses are parts of).

To generalize, if someone has write access to the repository, all bets are off
anyway because that person can do whatever they want to that repository, and
hence that is more the question of the level of truth.

Next, please consider that Git actually has two fields in the metadata block
of a commit which can contain e-mail addresses: the author (of the change) and
the committer - whoever integrated (committed) the change to the repository.
This is needed to cover at least the following two cases: rebasing (when Bob
rebases a series of commits made by Alice) and integrating a patch sent by
e-mail or transferred via other means (such as off-line). You might be
surprised to learn that both Linux and Git project heavily rely on patch
series being submitted to mailing lists, reviewed there and applied _from
there_ (by the `git am` command).

>From that, it naturally comes that a particular person working on a project
might legitimately have an unbounded number of e-mail addresses - for
instance, I could submit a patchset done at my $dayjob, and it hence would
have been sent from my work e-mail, and I could submit another patchset which
I've done at home, and it would have been sent from my personal e-mail.

Next, Git does have a mechanism for enforcing a decent level of security -
"signed tags". When creating a tag, Git allows the creator to sign it with a
PGP key, in which case the tag becomes "annotated", with the annotation
holding (the ASCII rendition of) the generated signature. This allows anyone
having access to the public part of the signer's key (and they are naturally
public and published) to verify the authenticity of that tag and since the tag
refers to the Git object it points at (usually commit) by that object's
cryptographic hash, this allows to transitively authenticate the whole
subgraph of commits reachable from the tagged one. This mechanism is routinely
used by the Linux project to make official releases.

Using of such approach presupposes whoever approved a series of changes
have actually reviewed them (or trusts whoever have done such review), but,
as I've already said, verifying the authors of commits to "be sensible" is by
no means more important than verifying the code is sensible.

Having said that, I would say I could see a point that in certain cases it
may be useful to authenticate the identities of the authors of each and any
commit but then we're going to face a problem of exactly how to do that.
(I mean it is definitely doable - even in a low-tech fasion, by using only
shell scripting an some external tools such as OpenPGP or OpenSSH, - but there
cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach.)

Another point is that you have mentioned Github. The only relation Github has
to Git is that it hosts Git repositories. Github is not in any way required to
manage Git project, and quite a lot of Git projects are managed in ways quite
different from the workflows suggested/forced by Github. So if your question
was really about using Git in the context of Github, I think it could be
better for you to ask it on any of the communication venues provided by
Github (this mailing list is not about using Github).

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