Maybe fits the bill.


skybuck2000 <> writes:

It would be nice if there was some kind of train/vehicle/dot/point/circle that could be moved across the branches.

For example on the output of git log --graph --all.

By using the cursor keys the train/dot can then be moved up,down,left,right.

Left,Right to change/choose branch, Up/Down to move forward or backward through commits.

Left/Right should highlight which branch is selected.

Press enter should then automatically git checkout the commit that the train/dot is on.

This prevent me from having to type and copy & paste hash codes and it also integrates the scrolling up and down with
travelling across branches a bit more easy.

So I would like this functionality implemented in git.exe so it can be used from command lines/git
bash/cmd.exe/powershell/git posh etc.

(If you like idea and you on git mailing list, mail this forward to them ! Cause for some reason I can't and not yet gonna
subscribe, see ya ! =D)


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