On Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 10:51:48AM -0700, Philippe Couas wrote:

> > > I use git 2.37 on Windows 10 and i have an problem with git clone ssh
> > > 
> > > This command is Ok
> > > 
> > > ssh g...@ -v -p 2223 -i Z:\zpoubelle\tssh4\id_rsa
> > > But following command failed
> > > 
> > > set GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -p2223-i Z:\zpoubelle\tssh4\id_rsa"
> > > git clone g...@ 
> > <http://git@> --verbose
> > > 
> > > "ssh -p2223-i Z:\zpoubelle\tssh4\id_rsa": line 1: ssh -p2223-i 
> > > Z:\zpoubelle\tssh4\id_rsa: No such file or directory
> >
> > Note that you have inadvertently glued "-p", "2223" and "-i" together, so
> > ssh receives a command which is passed a "-p2223-i" command-line argument
> > which it supposedly does not know how to interpret.
> >
> i have same problem with set GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -p 2223 -i 
> Z:\zpoubelle\tssh4\id_rsa"

OK, let me have another guess.

The ssh invocation you've done manually, and which worked, was supposedly done
in a Git Bash console, and _may be_ this somehow affects the way the
Windows-native pathname Z:\blah\balah\... is interpreted.

I would try to set GIT_SSH_COMMAND to

  ssh -p 2223 -i /z/zpoubelle/tssh4/id_rsa

and see if it helps.

Well, and another guess.
Actually, the error message

| "ssh -p2223-i Z:\zpoubelle\tssh4\id_rsa": line 1: ssh -p2223-i 
|   Z:\zpoubelle\tssh4\id_rsa: No such file or directory

(single line wrapped) looks very strange: as if the whole string starting
with "ssh" and ending with "id_rsa" is interpreted as the pathname of a
command to execute, which brings me to the next idea.

The thing is, Git supports two environment variables to affect the way it
invokes the SSH client: an older one GIT_SSH and a newer one GIT_SSH_COMMAND.
The difference is that they are interpreted differently: the text in GIT_SSH
is taken to name a single external executable to execute while the contents of
the latter is taken to be a shell script and is interpreted by the shell -
hence allowing to actually specify a command with separate arguments.

The observed behavior looks like as if you have the GIT_SSH set and
GIT_SSH_COMMAND _not_ set, so that Git takes the contents of the former and
interprets "ssh -p 2223 -i Z:\blah\blah..." as the name of an executable which
it obviously cannot find.

How this could happen? This is a tricky question.

One possibility, is that there's a system- or user-level variable GIT_SSH,
and you're setting GIT_SSH_COMMAND in a shell in a way so that it's not
inherited by the processes spawned by the shell - that is, you do not export
the variable using


...And by the way, what shell are you using to run these Git commands?

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