Is this a Linux/*nix system, or a Windows (Git for Windows [GfW]) system? 

It's important because Symlinks on nix systems are, as best I understand 
it, a file system property, while on Windows it's emulated as a file (IIRC) 
and the Git Index makes a note of that mode status.

Can you show the actual setup and output that you are seeing.

It wouldn't surprise me that the file, from the *nix dev view would not 
have a terminating LF (Git does that a lot).

If you actually have the git.git repo cloned, then look at the RelNotes 
'file'. On my GfW it has no LF terminator.

On Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 8:11:33 PM UTC+1 

> So, both *git diff* and *git show* display "\ No newline at end of file" 
> for symlinks.
> I think this doesn't make any sense since symlinks are not even regular 
> files.
> I think this is a bug about how Git renders diffs for symlinks, I am 
> making any sense here?
> Should I report this bug into the mailing list?

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