On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 02:32:01PM +0100, rozanski.s...@gmail.com wrote:

> How would it be possible to automatically move all changes in the project
> (repository) => I mean the situation when I change/add/delete a file or
> directory in the project not yet perform a commit => automatically on the
> mirrored directory that is on OneDrive, this would be some "workaround" for
> the problem.

Yes, it should be possible.

Fitst, you should get terminology right: "the repository" is that subdirectory
called ".git" which is located in the directory Git calls "the work tree".
So, when you have a filesystem hierarchy like this


...and you're operating on folder1, folder2, file1.php and file2.php, because
these files are "checked out", then Git says these files are located in a work
tree, and ".git" contains the project's repository.
In other words:

  \MyProject    <- your project's tree root; also the Git's work tree.
    \.git       <- the Git repository.

So, to achieve what you want - automatically sync to the cloud all the local
changes you do to the checked out files but not to the repository itself, -
there appears to be two ways:

 - Somehow explicitly tell OneDrive to exclude that particular ".git"
   directory from its operation, recursively.

 - Keep the Git repository outside of the directory which is under the
   control of OneDrive.

The former appears to be hard, if at all possible [1].

The latter is quite doable with some tinkering.
Basically you roll like this:

 1. Clone your existing repository from your Git hosting provider
    (Bitbucket?) in "mirror" mode.

    With "normal" Git this is done using

      git clone --mirror REPO_URL REPO_DIR

    The REPO_DIR directory must not be located in a directory which is under
    control of OneDrive.

    I have no idea how to do mirror-cloning using that Bitbucket or SourceTree

    Also note that you must not clone a Git repository located on a
    filesystem: while it's trivially possible in Git, the resulting repository
    won't be configured properly.

 2. Create an empty directory in any directory which _is_ under control of

 3. Open up a text editor and create a single file named ".git" in that
    new directory and make it contain a single line of text:

      gitdir: C:\Path\To\The\REPO_DIR\Created\On\Step\One

    That is, a prefix "gitdir:", a single space character, and the path
    to the repository.

    Note that the file must not have any extension such as ".txt".
    It's name must be exactly ".git": a dot and three lowercase characters.

 4. Open up a shell, navigate to that directory prepared on steps 2 and 3
    and run

      git init

 5. Check that everything looks normal: run `git branch` for instance.

    If this does not work, try to use a Unixy-looking path in that text file:

      gitdir: /c/Path/To/...

That is all: you can now use the new directory in the OveDrive-controlled
directory while the repository is located elsewhere.

 1. https://superuser.com/questions/1662589

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