On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 2:35 AM Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 04:38:34PM +0200, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > Well, your approach is incorrect. ;-)
> > A correct one is going to be quicker, too.
> > As I've explained in this list in the past, _by default_ Git implements
> > asymmetric approach to handling remote repositories and branches they
> > contain - you might want to re-read [1] and may be the whole thread; may be
> > this idea will now have greater chances to really sink in as you will be
> > able to compare and contrast "normal" clone and "mirror" clone.
> So let me see whether I understood git's philosophy correctly:
>     1. A «normal» clone results in:
>        1. All data (I say data not files) are downloaded
>        2. But not necessarily all references (branches):
>           1. References to remote branches are available and
>           2. The reference to the main (the branch that points to HEAD
>              on remote) is also available, might be: master/main/stable
>              or whatsoever

Not all references are branches, but all the ones that are branches
are fetched, except in a different namespace: /refs/remotes.

Local branches are /refs/heads, and that's what `git branch` shows.
Remote branches are in /refs/remotes, and that's what `git branch
--remotes` shows.

But the remote branches are not always up-to-date, that's why they are
called "remote tracking branches", that is: they track remote
branches, but they aren't always necessarily the same.

>        3. If I want to checkout a branch that corresponds to remote
>           branch the correct way (without shortcuts would be)
>   git branch feature origin/feature # create local branch off a remote one
>   git checkout feature              # check local branch out

This is OK, but you can create a branch and check it out at the same time with:

    git checkout -b feature origin/feature

Except, for new users `git switch` may be easier:

    git switch -c feature origin/feature

A more recommended way is to "track" the original branch:

    git switch -c feature -t origin/feature

To understand what this does you would need to learn about the concept
of "upstream tracking branch" [1], but you don't have to, just know
that it's generally better if you set it up.

You don't have to type that, because `git switch` can guess what you
want to do, so just:

    git switch --guess feature

This will create a local branch "feature" that will track the remote
tracking branch "origin/feature" that tracks the remote "feature"

But since by default the "guess" functionality is enabled, just do:

    git switch feature

>   git branch -u origin/feature      # make current branch track origin/feature

No need to do that, -t (--track) does that already, and so does --guess.

> This would syntax would also work if I set  a new remote
> gitlab  g...@gitlab.com:kalthad/matlab-emacs.git (fetch)
> Then that would be:
>   git branch feature gitlab/feature # create local branch off a remote one
>   git checkout feature              # check local branch out
>   git branch -u gitlab/feature      # make current branch track gitlab/feature

Or just:

    git switch -c feature -t gitlab/feature

> * Mirrors and bare repositories
> A more mercurial like clone would be using the mirror option.
> Such a repository has *no* remote  branch tracking, but  all branches are 
> available.

That depends on your conception of "branch".

Git branches are not like Mercurial branches, they are pointers to
head commits, not labels.

A more appropriate analogy are Mercurial bookmarks, which as far as I
understand are local, and I think they added support for remote
bookmarks, which have a different namespace.

New users shouldn't use --mirror, as that requires them to know what
they are doing.

> However the repository is bare, no commits are displayed.

Commits are displayed, "bare" means no workspace is created, so no
files are checked out.

> I can change a bare repository to a normal one
>     1) mkdir .git
>     2) mv all stuff in the .git directory

Just clone in that directory:

    git clone --mirror $url foo/.git

>     3) git config --local --bool core.bare false

Or just:

    git config core.bare false

(--local is the default)

>     4) git reset --hard

`git checkout` is more appropriate here.

> However it seems that there is no remote branch tracking and that is why
> it seems not wise to use such a repository for development
> pushing/fetching.

There are remote tracking branches, but they are not in the
/refs/remotes namespace, they are in the /refs/heads namespace, so
your local branches are remote tracking branches.

If you do changes on a "feature" branch, they will be overridden when
you do `git fetch`.

Once a mirror, always a mirror.

> Is this so far correct?

Yes, but I think you should forget about using a mirror, that's not
what you want.

I think what you want is to mirror all the remote branches only once,
and otherwise have a normal repository (not a mirror).

You can do that with this command:

    git fetch origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*

This will create local branches for all the remote branches (the
remote refs/heads/foo will become a local refs/heads/foo). The problem
with this approach is that the local branches will not track the
remote branches.

At the end of the day I think what you should do is do `git switch`
for every remote branch, which git can help:

    git for-each-ref --format='git switch %(refname:lstrip=3)'

Just remove HEAD and "master", or whatever branches you have already tracked.



Felipe Contreras

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