
I pulled for a remote server and obtained 

* commit b7007223bd7c99b9d92911c66411b2143a791ce4 (master) (origin/master, 
origin/HEAD, master)
| Author: John Ciolfi <cio...@ah-ciolfi620-l.dhcp.mathworks.com>
| Date:   Mon Apr 10 16:05:31 2023 -0400
|     matlab and org mode example

So I wanted to create a new branch org-mode so that this commit should
be in the new branch and later add other commits to that branch.

So I run 

git branch org-mode
git checkout master
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git checkout org-mode
git push -u origin org-mode

Then I 

in another directory I cloned the remote repository again in order to check 
whether everything is fine. It looked. So 

git switch -c org-mode -t origin/org-mode

I edited committed and pushed

But now

* commit 2338bb2167f7e2e2b078be3d8906507794b5752f (org-mode) (HEAD -> org-mode, 
| Author: Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es>
| Date:   Sat Apr 22 14:37:02 2023 +0200
|     Add org file, that describe how to use the python engine not the native 
* commit b7007223bd7c99b9d92911c66411b2143a791ce4 (master) (origin/master, 
origin/HEAD, master)
| Author: John Ciolfi <cio...@ah-ciolfi620-l.dhcp.mathworks.com>
| Date:   Mon Apr 10 16:05:31 2023 -0400
|     matlab and org mode example

So commit b7000 belongs to master not to org-mode as I hoped, what did I


Uwe Brauer 

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