On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 9:25 AM Konstantin Khomoutov <kos...@bswap.ru> wrote:
> On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 05:12:04PM -0600, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> > git-fc is a fork of Junio Hamano's git.
> [...]
> > Take for example the "staging area", a term literally
> > everyone agrees [1] is superior to "the index". Not just people from the
> > teaching industry, but even the Pro Git book (which isn't endorsed by
> > Junio), countless tutorials, and even Git developers themselves. Not one
> > Git developer is against the term... except Junio.
> [...]
> > Even Linus Torvalds argued for a `git update` command that does a
> > fast-forward by default [2]:
> [...]
> > Junio once again chose to ignore all the proposals to improve
> > `git pull`.
> [...]
> > Junio himself shot the door to any sort of collaboration, since he
> > permanently banned me from the project with no warning and no recourse
> > whatsoever for simply daring to disagree with him [5].
> >
> > After 15 years of contributions, he didn't even pretend to conduct a
> > fair process in which I would receive a warning and an opportunity to
> > defend myself. I received **nothing**. Not even a single reply notifying
> > me that they (the Git PLC) wouldn't respond to me anymore: I patiently
> > waited several days for a reply until I realized it was never going to
> > come. They just sent a singe email notifying me of the permanent ban,
> > ignored my requests for clarification, and that was that.
> [...]
> > [5] 
> > https://felipec.wordpress.com/2023/05/16/my-ban-from-the-git-project-the-defense-i-was-denied/
> [...]
> For completeness, there's the link to a message which can be served as an
> entry point to a different view on these matters which is also present in the
> Git developers' community [7].
> I should note that I do not have a strong opinion on this situation (or at
> least I do not have an opinion I'd like to share) - merely trying to make it
> possible to be able to see a more complete picture for those who finds it
> interesting.
>  7. 
> https://lore.kernel.org/git/20230511012558.ga1464...@coredump.intra.peff.net/

Needless to say these are Jeff King's *opinions*, these are not facts.

If you don't fall for the Gish gallop [1] strategy and actually read
the thread of the first link [2], you would realize nobody had a
problem with what I was saying, not even Jeff King. It was only Junio.
Linus Torvalds said what I was doing was bikeshedding, but even Junio
disagreed and corrected him.

The important detail is not that Junio asked me to leave in 2013, it's *why*.

If you actually read the 59 messages of the thread, you can see that
he asked me to leave because I dared to suggest libgit.a was not an
actual library, and the organization of the code makes an actual
library virtually impossible, which is something even Google
developers are saying now in 2023 [3].

Of course Jeff King is counting on people not reading the context of
the discussions that happened one decade ago and simply assume Junio
had a good reason, when in fact he didn't.

But all this personal drama from 2013 is irrelevant to a technical
discussion in 2023.

Junio tried to introduce a change that was backwards-incompatible two
weeks ago. That's a fact.

All I did is point that out. Personal drama from 2013 is merely a
*distraction* from the technical discussion, in which I showed Junio
was wrong, and I was right.

Sadly they can't focus on the technical discussion.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop
[2] https://lore.kernel.org/git/7vsj0lvs8f....@alter.siamese.dyndns.org/

Felipe Contreras

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