And, make sure that your settings are committed first. I think your 
.gitattributes file should be committed first, so that the git add of the 
secrets is actioned.

On Friday, June 9, 2023 at 9:52:44 PM UTC+1 Philip Oakley wrote:

> Not sure if I understood what you are saying. My impression is that you 
> have an existing repo, cloned from a server (with clone on a server;-), and 
> you now want to have the in-repository file blobs be stored in an encrypted 
> manner. 
> It sounds as if you have two problems.
> 1. your starting point is with the coin upside down. You want your 
> existing repos (local and server) to actually contain encrypted data, and 
> then on checkout they will be filters to be un-encrypted (plain text). - 
> this would explain the sudden appearance of the diff at the point where you 
> start storing encrypted blobs.
> 2. the smudge/clean filters, at least to me, are described in the manuals 
> in the opposite manner than expected. you may have the same problem, and it 
> may be the cause of the 'wrong way around' perceived diffs (assuming 1. 
> wasn't the problem).
> I didn't have time to actually check stuff, but those are the issues I 
> would consider clarifying.
> --
> Philip 
> On Friday, June 9, 2023 at 3:49:18 PM UTC+1 wrote:
>> I'm trying out age[1] as a filter for encrypting files in a git 
>> repo but I must be missing something because every new clone 
>> thinks the encrypted file has changed, and if I commit that change 
>> then every other clone sees a diff after pulling in the change. 
>> The main reason I want to try out age is that it can make use of 
>> SSH keys for encryption, which makes it a bit nicer than something 
>> like git-crypt. 
>> I'm setting it up like this: 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> ❯ cat .gitattributes 
>> *.secret filter=age 
>> ❯ git config -l --local|grep filter.age 
>> filter.age.smudge=age --decrypt -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 - 
>> filter.age.clean=age --encrypt -R ~/.ssh/ - 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> Here's a sequence setting up a first repo: 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> ❯ git init 
>> Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/tmp/age-0/.git/ 
>> ❯ echo '*.secret filter=age' > .gitattributes 
>> ❯ git config --local --add filter.age.smudge "age --decrypt -i 
>> ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -" 
>> ❯ git config --local --add filter.age.clean "age --encrypt -R 
>> ~/.ssh/ -" 
>> ❯ echo "a secret" > foo.secret 
>> ❯ echo "not a secret" > bar.txt 
>> ❯ git add .gitattributes bar.txt foo.secret 
>> ❯ git commit -m 'The first commit' 
>> [main (root-commit) ae75577] The first commit 
>> 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+) 
>> create mode 100644 .gitattributes 
>> create mode 100644 bar.txt 
>> create mode 100644 foo.secret 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> Now I can make a clone: 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> ❯ cd .. 
>> ❯ git clone age-0 age-1 
>> Cloning into 'age-1'... 
>> done. 
>> ❯ cd age-1 
>> ❯ git ls-files 
>> .gitattributes 
>> bar.txt 
>> foo.secret 
>> ❯ cat foo.secret 
>> -> ssh-ed25519 ozAWLA ReSnu8CTgPgnuKUMvG8PWTcc7Lr5IHkKaWc6k4Hfsms 
>> dHsdERPHdsdOQluzyeeRamfjIrmsc2pQ+lhwLlt/0no 
>> --- aHijNp3L2/0MeE/EXWwVhVwyv1uBYW1Ake055jico5M 
>> WF}`YqBO7Ԏwߨ% 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> So far so good. The file is encrypted. Now I configure the filter 
>> the same way and make sure the file is decrypted: 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> ❯ git config --local --add filter.age.smudge "age --decrypt -i 
>> ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -" 
>> age-1 on  main 
>> ❯ git config --local --add filter.age.clean "age --encrypt -R 
>> ~/.ssh/ -" 
>> ❯ rm foo.secret 
>> ❯ git reset --hard HEAD 
>> HEAD is now at ae75577 The first commit 
>> ❯ cat foo.secret 
>> a secret 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> Now comes the problem, git thinks the file with secrets has been 
>> changed when it really hasn't: 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> ❯ git status 
>> On branch main 
>> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. 
>> Changes not staged for commit: 
>> (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) 
>> (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working 
>> directory) 
>> modified: foo.secret 
>> no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") 
>> ❯ git diff 
>> diff --git a/foo.secret b/foo.secret 
>> index 2de33ca..18e4331 100644 
>> Binary files a/foo.secret and b/foo.secret differ 
>> ❯ md5sum foo.secret ../age-0/foo.secret 
>> 6046316bf834dbdf83a5be74be6fd2ac foo.secret 
>> 6046316bf834dbdf83a5be74be6fd2ac ../age-0/foo.secret 
>> --------------------------------------------- 
>> This isn't what I expected. What's wrong with my setup, what am I 
>> missing? 
>> /M 
>> [1]: 
>> -- 
>> Magnus Therning OpenPGP: 0x927912051716CE39 
>> email: 
>> "He dropped his voice still lower. In the stillness, a fly would 
>> not 
>> have dared clear its throat." 

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