WWW-www.enlightenment.org pushed a commit to branch master.


commit e259945c0ea20ecf8bbc8bf0b1dd90fab8396d68
Author: Raster <ras...@rasterman.com>
Date:   Sat May 2 08:15:53 2015 -0700

    Wiki page start changed with summary [] by Raster
 pages/docs/c/start.txt | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 109 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pages/docs/c/start.txt b/pages/docs/c/start.txt
index 8bdfd03..bc70b0c 100644
--- a/pages/docs/c/start.txt
+++ b/pages/docs/c/start.txt
@@ -3,35 +3,129 @@
 ==== Preface ====
-//This is not a theoretical C language specifications document. It is a 
practical primer for the vast majority of real life cases of C usage that are 
relevant to EFL. It covers application executables and shared library concepts 
and is written from a Linux/UNIX perspective where you would have your code 
running with an OS doing memory mappings and probably protection for you. It 
really is fundamentally not much different on Android, iOS, OSX or even 
+//This is not a theoretical C language specifications document. It is a 
practical primer for the vast majority of real life cases of C usage that are 
relevant to EFL on todays common architectures. It covers application 
executables and shared library concepts and is written from a Linux/UNIX 
perspective where you would have your code running with an OS doing memory 
mappings and probably protection for you. It really is fundamentally not much 
different on Android, iOS, OSX or even Windows.//
-//It won't cover esoteric details of "strange architectures" which may, in 
theory exist, but in real life are long dead, never existed, or are so rare 
that you won't need to know. It pretty much thinks of C as a high level 
assembly language that is portable across a range of modern architectures.//
+//It won't cover esoteric details of "strange architectures". It pretty much 
covers C as a high level assembly language that is portable across a range of 
modern architectures.//
-//Keep this in mind when reading, and know that some facets of C have been 
adapted to take this view of things. It simply makes everything easier and more 
practical to learn, along with actually being relevant day-to-day in usage of 
+==== Your first program ====
+Let's start with the traditional "Hello world" C application. This is about as 
simple as it gets for an application that does something you can see.
+<code c hello.c>
+#include <stdio.h>
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+   printf("Hello world!\n");
+   return 0;
+You would compile this on a command-line as follows:
+  cc hello.c -o hello
+Run the application with:
+  ./hello
+You should then see this output:
+  Hello world!
+So what has happened here? Let's first look at the code itself. The first line:
+<code c>
+#include <stdio.h>
+This tells the compiler to literally include the **stdio.h** file into your 
application. The compiler will find this file in the standard locations to look 
for include files and literally "paste" it there where the include line is. 
This file provides some "standard I/O" features, such as ''printf()''.
+The next thing is something every application will have - a ''main()'' 
function. This function must exist only once in the application because this is 
the function that is run //AS// the application. When this function exits, the 
application does.
+<code c>
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+The ''main()'' function always returns an ''integer'' value, and is given 2 
parameters on start. Those are an integer ''argc'' and then an array of 
strings. In C an array is generally just a pointer to the first element. A 
String is generally a pointer to a series of bytes (chars) which ends in a byte 
value of 0 to indicate the end of the string. We'll come back to this later, 
but as we don't use these, just ignore this for now.
+The next thing that happens is for the code to call a function ''printf()'' 
with a string "Hello world!\n". Why the "\n" at the end? This is an "escape". A 
way of indicating a special character. In this case this is the //newline// 
character. Strings in C can contain some special characters like this, and "\" 
is used to begin the escaped string.
+<code c>
+printf("Hello world!\n");
+Now finally we return from the main function with the value 0. The ''main()'' 
function of an application is special. It always returns an integer that 
indicates the "success" of the application. This is used by the shell executing 
the process to determine success. A return of ''0'' indicates the process ran 
+<code c>
+return 0;
+You will notice a few things. First lines starting with ''#'' are commands, 
but don't have a '';''. This is normal because these lines are processed by the 
pre-processor. All code in C goes through the C pre-processor and this 
basically generates more code. Other lines that are not starting a function, 
ending it or defining control end every statement in C with a '';'' character. 
If you don't do this, the statement continues until a '';'' is found, even if 
it goes across multiple lines.
+If we look at how the application is compiled, We execute the C compiler, give 
it 1 or more source files to compile and the with ''-o'' tell it what output 
file to produce (the executable)
+  cc hello.c -o hello
+Often ''cc'' will be replaced with things like ''gcc'' or maybe ''clang'' or 
whatever compiler you prefer.
+Now let's take a detour back to the machine that is running your very first C 
 ==== The machine ====
-Reality is that you are dealing with a machine. It's real. It has its 
personality and ways of working thanks to the people who designed the CPU and 
its components. Most machines are fairly similar these days, of course with 
their variations on personality, size etc.
+Reality is that you are dealing with a machine. A real modern piece of 
hardware. Not abstract. It's real. Most machines are fairly similar these days, 
of course with their variations on personality, size etc.
-All machines have at least a single processor to execute a series of 
instructions. If you write an application (a common case) this is the model you 
will see right in front of you. An applications begins by executing a list of 
instructions at the CPU level.
+All machines have at least a single processor to execute a series of 
instructions. If you write an application (a common case) this is the model you 
will see right in front of you. An application begins by executing a list of 
instructions at the CPU level.
-The C compiler takes the C code files you write and converts them into 
"machine code" (which is really just a series of numbers that end up stored in 
memory, and these numbers have meanings like "0" is "do nothing", "1" is "add 
the next 2 numbers together and store the result". "2" is "compare result with 
next number, store comparison in result", "3" is "if result is 'equal to' then 
start executing instructions at the memory location in the next number" etc.). 
Somewhere these numbers are [...]
+The C compiler takes the C code source files you write and converts them into 
"machine code" (which is really just a series of numbers that end up stored in 
memory, and these numbers have meanings like "0" is "do nothing", "1" is "add 
the next 2 numbers together and store the result" etc.). Somewhere these 
numbers are placed in memory by the operating system when the executable is 
loaded, and the CPU is instructed to begin executing them. What these numbers 
mean is dependent on your CPU type.
-CPUs will do arithmetic, logic operations, change what it is they execute, and 
read from or write to memory to deal with data. In the end, everything to a CPU 
is effectively a number, and some operation you do to it.
+An example:
-To computers, numbers are a string of "bits". A bit can be on or off. Just 
like you may be used to numbers, with each digit having 10 values (0 through to 
9), A computer sees numbers more simply. It is 0, or it is 1. Just like you can 
have a bigger number by adding a digit (1 digit can encode 10 values, 2 digits 
can encode 100 values, 3 can encode 1000 values etc.), So too with the binary 
(0 or 1) numbering system computers use. Every binary digit you add doubles the 
number of values you [...]
+^Memory location ^Value in hexadecimal ^Instruction meaning ^
+|0               |e1510000             |cmp r1, r0          |
+|4               |e280001a             |add r0, r0, #26     |
-Numbers to a computer normally come in sizes that indicate how many bits they 
use. The sizes that really matter are bytes (8 bits), shorts (16 bits), 
integers (32 bits), long integers (32 or 64 bits), long long integers (64 
bits), floats (32 bits) doubles (64 bits) and pointers (32 or 64 bits).  The 
terms here are those similar to what C uses for clarity and ease of 
explanation. The sizes here are the **COMMON SIZES** found across real life 
architectures today. //(This does gloss over so [...]
-Bytes (chars) can encode numbers from 0 through to 255. Shorts can do 0 
through to 65535, integers can do 0 through to about 4 billion, long integers 
if 64 bit or long long integers can encode values up to about 18 qunitillion (a 
very big number). Pointers are also just integers. Either 32 or 64 bits. Floats 
and doubles can encode numbers with "a decimal place". Like  3.14159. Thus both 
floats and doubles consist of a mantissa and exponent. The mantissa determines 
the digits of the numbe [...]
+CPUs will do arithmetic, logic operations, change what it is they execute, and 
read from or write to memory to deal with data. In the end, everything to a CPU 
is effectively a number, somewhere to store it to or load it from and some 
operation you do to it.
-When we want signed numbers, we center our ranges AROUND 0. So bytes (chars) 
can go from -128 to 127, shorts from -32768 to 32767, integers from around -2 
billion to 2 billion, and the long long integers and 64 bit versions of 
integers can go from about -9 quintillion to about 9 quinitillion. By default 
all of the types are signed (except pointers) UNLESS you put an "unsigned" in 
front of them. You can also place "signed" in front to explicitly say you want 
the type to be signed. //A cat [...]
+To computers, numbers are a string of "bits". A bit can be on or off. Just 
like you may be used to numbers, with each digit having 10 values (0 through to 
9), A computer sees numbers more simply. It is 0, or it is 1. Just like you can 
have a bigger number by adding a digit (1 digit can encode 10 values, 2 digits 
can encode 100 values, 3 can encode 1000 values etc.), So too with the binary 
(0 or 1) numbering system computers use. Every binary digit you add doubles the 
number of values you [...]
-Memory to a machine is just a big "spreadsheed" of numbers. Imagine it as a 
spreadsheet with only 1 column and a lot of rows. Every cell can store 8 bits 
(a byte). If you "merge" rows (2, 4, 8) you can store more values as above. But 
when you merge rows, the next row number doesn't change. You also could still 
address the "parts" of the merged cell as bytes or smaller units. In the end 
pointers are nothing more than a number saying "go to memory row 2943298 and 
get me the integer (4 byte [...]
+^Binary           ^Hexadecimal ^Decimal ^
+|101              |d           |14      |
+|00101101         |2d          |46      |
+|1111001101010001 |f351        |62289   |
-This level of indirection can nest. You can have a pointer to pointers. so 
de-reference a pointer to pointers to get the place in memory where the actual 
data is then de-reference that again. Since pointers are numbers, you can do 
math on them like any other. you can advance through memory just by adding 1, 
2, 4 or 8 to your pointer to point to the "next thing along". 
+Numbers to a computer normally come in sizes that indicate how many bits they 
use. The sizes that really matter are:
-In general machines like to store these numbers memory at a place that is 
aligned to their size. That means that bytes (chars) can be stored anywhere as 
the smallest unit when addressing memory is a byte (in general). Shorts want to 
be aligned to 16 bits - that means 2 bytes (chars). So you should (ideally) 
never find a short at an ODD byte in memory. Integers want to be stored on 4 
byte boundaries, Long integers may align to either 4 or 8 bytes depending, and 
long long integers on 8 byt [...]
+^Common term       ^C type    ^Number of bits ^Max unsigned                  ^
+|Byte              |char      |8              |255                           |
+|Word              |short     |16             |65535                         |
+|Integer           |int       |32             |~4 billion                    |
+|Long Integer      |long      |32 / 64        |~4 billion / ~18 qunitillion  |
+|Long Long Integer |long long |64             |~18 qunitillion               |
+|Float             |float     |32             |3.402823466 e+38              |
+|Double Float      |double    |64             |1.7976931348623158 e+308      |
+|Pointer           |* **X**   |32 / 64        |~4 billion / ~18 qunitillion  |
+The sizes here are the **COMMON SIZES** found across real life architectures 
today. //(This does gloss over some corner cases such as on x86 systems, 
doubles can be 80 bits whilst they are inside a register, etc.)//
+Pointers are also just integers. Either 32 or 64 bits. They refer to a 
location in memory as a multiple of bytes. Floats and doubles can encode 
numbers with "a decimal place". Like  3.14159. Thus both floats and doubles 
consist of a mantissa and exponent. The mantissa determines the digits of the 
number and the exponent determines where the decimal place should go.
+When we want signed numbers, we center our ranges AROUND 0. So bytes (chars) 
can go from -128 to 127, shorts from -32768 to 32767, and so on. By default all 
of the types are signed (except pointers) UNLESS you put an "unsigned" in front 
of them. You can also place "signed" in front to explicitly say you want the 
type to be signed. //A catch - on ARM systems chars often are unsigned by 
default//. Also be aware that it is common on 64 bit systems to have long 
integers be 64 bit, and on 32  [...]
+Pointers follow the instruction set mode. For 32 bit architectures pointers 
are 32 bits in size, and are bits in size on 64 bit architectures. Standard ARM 
systems are 32 bit, except for very new 64 bit ARM systems. On x86, 64 bit has 
been around for a while, and so you will commonly see both. This is the same 
for PowerPC and MIPS as well.
+Memory to a machine is just a big "spreadsheet" of numbers. Imagine it as a 
spreadsheet with only 1 column and a lot of rows. Every cell can store 8 bits 
(a byte). If you "merge" rows (2, 4, 8) you can store more values as above. But 
when you merge rows, the next row number doesn't change. You also could still 
address the "parts" of the merged cell as bytes or smaller units. In the end 
pointers are nothing more than a number saying "go to memory row 2943298 and 
get me the integer (4 byte [...]
+This level of indirection can nest. You can have a pointer to pointers, so 
de-reference a pointer to pointers to get the place in memory where the actual 
data is then de-reference that again to get the data itself. Follow the chain 
of pointers if you want values. Since pointers are numbers, you can do math on 
them like any other. You can advance through memory just by adding 1, 2, 4 or 8 
to your pointer to point to the "next thing along" for example, which is how 
arrays work. 
+In general machines like to store these numbers in memory at a place that is 
aligned to their size. That means that bytes (chars) can be stored anywhere as 
the smallest unit when addressing memory is a byte (in general). Shorts want to 
be aligned to 16 bits - that means 2 bytes (chars), so you should (ideally) 
never find a short at an ODD byte in memory. Integers want to be stored on 4 
byte boundaries, Long integers may align to either 4 or 8 bytes depending, and 
long long integers on 8  [...]
+So keep this in mind as a general rule - your data must be aligned. The C 
compiler will do most of this for you, until you start doing "fun" things with 
 Note that in addition to memory, CPUs will have "temporary local registers" 
that are directly inside the CPU. They do not have addresses. The compiler will 
use them as temporary scratch space to store data from memory so the CPU can 
work on it. Different CPU types have different numbers and naming of such 
registers. ARM CPUs tend to have more registers than x86 for example.
@@ -53,19 +147,7 @@ You can even tell the compiler to make sure it has an 
initial value. If you don'
 int bob = 42;
-Once you have declared a variable, you can now use it. In C the types 
available to you are as follows. Note that 1 byte *IS* 8 bits in size. In real 
-^Type      ^Size (bytes) ^Stores                                           ^
-|char      |1            |Integers -128 => 127                             |
-|short     |2            |Integers -32768 => 32767                         |
-|int       |4            |Integers -2 billion => 2 billion (about)         |
-|long      |4 or 8       |Integers -2 billion => 2 billion OR -9 quintillion 
=> 9 quintillion (about) |
-|long long |8            |Integers -9 quintillion => 9 quintillion (about) |
-|float     |4            |Floating point (large range)                     |
-|double    |8            |Floating point (huge range)                      |
-|* **X**   |4 or 8       |Pointer to type **X**                            |
-You can group values together in repeating sequences using arrays or in mixed 
groups called "structs".
+Once you have declared a variable, you can now use it. You can group values 
together in repeating sequences using arrays or in mixed groups called 
 <code c>
 int bobs[100];


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