billiob pushed a commit to branch master.

commit 20f15e1a86e1015fb7cd43cf434ddf02083a45b5
Author: Boris Faure <>
Date:   Sun Mar 11 14:49:47 2018 +0100

    convert README to markdown
 README    | 337 -------------------------------------------------------------- | 331 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 331 insertions(+), 337 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index d973f89..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-Terminology 1.1.1
-  * efl (>= 1.8.0)
-  * elementary (>= 1.8.0)
-Please note that some features may not quite function correctly or
-completely on EFL 1.8. Newer versions would be better.
-Please see for information on these.
-This is an EFL terminal emulator with some extra bells and whistles.
-Once you have met requirements, compiling and installing is simple:
-  meson build
-  cd build
-  ninja
-  ninja install
-Note: to make terminology work with input methods in general you need:
-export ECORE_IMF_MODULE="xim"
-export XMODIFIERS="@im=none"
-Mouse controls:
-Right mouse button = controls menu
-Middle mouse button = paste highlight selection
-Left mouse button/drag = make highlight
-Wheel = scroll up or down in history
-Ctrl+Wheel = zoom font size up/down
-Ctrl+Left mouse button/drag = make block selection highlight
-Default key controls:
-Shift+PgUp = Scroll 1 page up
-Shift+PgDn = Scroll 1 page down
-Shift+Up = Scroll 1 line up
-Shift+Down = Scroll 1 line down
-Shift+Home = Scroll to the top of the backlog
-Shift+End = Reset scroll
-Shift+Left = switch focus to previous terminal inside a window
-Shift+Right = switch focus to next terminal inside a window
-Shift+Insert = Paste Clipboard (ctrl+v/c) selection
-Shift+Ctrl+Insert = Paste Primary (highlight) selection
-Shift+Keypad-Plus = Font size up 1
-Shift+Keypad-Minus = Font size down 1
-Shift+Keypad-Multiply = Reset font size
-Shift+Keypad-Divide = Copy highlight to Clipboard (same as ctrl+c in gui apps)
-Ctrl+PgUp = switch focus to previous terminal inside a window
-Ctrl+PgDn = switch focus to next terminal inside a window
-Ctrl+Shift+t = create new terminal on top of current inside window (tabs)
-Ctrl+Shift+End = close the focused terminal.
-Ctrl+Shift+h = toggle displaying the miniview of the history
-Ctrl+Shift+Home = bring up "tab" switcher
-Ctrl+Shift+PgUp = split terminal horizontally (1 term above the other)
-Ctrl+Shift+PgDn = split terminal vertically (1 term to the left of the other)
-Ctrl+Shift+c = copy current selection to clipboard
-Ctrl+Shift+v = paste current clipboard selection
-Alt+Home = Enter command mode (enter commands to control terminology itself)
-Alt+Return = Paste primary selection
-Alt+g = Group input: send input to all visible terminals in the window
-Alt+Shift+g = Group input: send input to all terminals in the window
-Alt+w = Copy selection to primary
-Alt+Up = Focus the terminal above
-Alt+Down = Focus the terminal below
-Alt+Left = Focus the terminal on the left
-Alt+Right = Focus the terminal on the right
-Ctrl+Alt+Equal = Font size up 1
-Ctrl+Alt+Minus = Font size down 1
-Ctrl+Alt+0 = Reset font size
-Ctrl+Alt+9 = Big font size
-Ctrl+Alt+t = Set terminal title
-Ctrl+1 = switch to terminal tab 1
-Ctrl+2 = switch to terminal tab 2
-Ctrl+3 = switch to terminal tab 3
-Ctrl+4 = switch to terminal tab 4
-Ctrl+5 = switch to terminal tab 5
-Ctrl+6 = switch to terminal tab 6
-Ctrl+7 = switch to terminal tab 7
-Ctrl+8 = switch to terminal tab 8
-Ctrl+9 = switch to terminal tab 9
-Ctrl+0 = switch to terminal tab 10
-Apart from the ones shipped with Terminology, themes can be stored in
-~/.config/terminology/themes/ .
-Companion tools:
-Terminology ships with a set of tools to help you get the best out of
-  * tyls: list directory contents with bells and whistles
-  * tyalpha: set transparency level of the background
-  * tybg: change the background image
-  * tycat: display inline a media file or a URI
-  * typop: display in a popup a media file or a URI
-  * tyq: queue media files or URI to be popped up
-  * tysend: send files to the terminal (useful through ssh)
-Extended escapes for terminology only:
-  1.   ESC char (\033 or 0x1b)
-  2.   } char
-  3... sequence of UTF8 chars other than nul (\000 or 0x00).
-  4    \000 char (nul byte or 0x00 to indicate end of sequence)
-  echo -n '\033}Hello world\000'
-any values inside square brackets [] are to be replaced by some
-content (numbers, strings, paths, url's etc.). example:
-aa[PATH-OF-FILE] should become something like:
-  aa/tmp/file.png
-or aa[true/false] should become something like:
-  aatrue
-  aafalse
-  = popup the given media file/url now
-  = queue a popup for the given media file/url
-  = set the terminal background media file/url temporarily
-  = set the terminal background media file/url permanently
-  = set the terminal alpha state to be on, or off temporarily
-  = set the terminal alpha state to be on, or off permanently
-  = query grid and font size. stdin will have written to it:
-    W;H;FW;FH\n
-    where W is the width of the terminal grid in characters
-    where H is the height of the terminal grid in characters
-    where FW is the width of 1 character cell in pixels
-    where FH is the height of 1 character cell in pixels
-  = insert STRETCHED media (where image will stretch to fill the cell area)
-    and define expected cell area to be W cells wide and H cells high,
-    with the image/media/url.
-    where C is the replace character to be identified in later text
-    where W is the width in character cells (up to 511).
-    where H is the height in character cells (up to 511).
-    note that this escape alone has no effect. it indicates a future
-    intention of inserting media into the terminal. the terminal will
-    EXPECT a grid of WxH "replace characters" to follow, with each
-    sequence of such replace characters beginning with a 'ib' escape command
-    and ending with an 'ie' escape command.
-    the FULL-PATH-OR-URL for all  the i commands (is, ic, if, it) may
-    be of the form:
-      /full/path/to/file.png
-    OR
-      /full/path/to/link\n/full/path/to/file.png
-      where a newline character separates a URI for a link and a full
-      path to a file to display in the region. the link is the
-      destination URI when a user may click on the given media image.
-    example:
-      printf("\033}is#5;3;%s\000"
-             "\033}ib\000#####\033}ie\000\n"
-             "\033}ib\000#####\033}ie\000\n"
-             "\033}ib\000#####\033}ie\000\n", "/tmp/icon.png");
-    note that '#' is the replace character, and later '#' chars if inside
-    begin/end escapes, will be replaced by the given media indicated
-    in the insert media escape.
-  = insert CENTERED media (centered in cell area). otherwise parameters are
-    identical to the "is" command, but retains aspect and is padded by
-    blank space.
-  = insert FILLED media (fill in cell area). otherwise parameters are
-    identical to the "is" command but ensures the entire area is
-    filled like a background even if media goes beyond cell bounds and is
-    clipped.
-  = insert THUMB media (thumbnail cell area). otherwise parameters are
-    identical to the "is" command, but uses thumbnail generation to
-    make a fast to load but low resolution version (cached) of the media.
-  = insert THUMB media (thumbnail cell area). otherwise parameters are
-    identical to the "is" command, but uses thumbnail generation to
-    make a fast to load but low resolution version (cached) of the media.
-    LINK is a path (or url) to open WHEN the thumb is clicked on by the
-    user.
-  = insert EDJE object with file path given, and the group name given.
-    the command list (and the \n whitespace delimiter before the list)
-    is optional, but is executed/parsed before display of the actual
-    object to do things like initialize its initial state. see "iC"
-    command for more details on the command list.
-    be aware that once you have an object with an assigned channel id,
-    it can send back signals and messages via escapes on stdin. these
-    escapes will follow terminology extended escape format
-    (ESC + } ... \000), and the content will be one of:
-      ;CHID\ndrag\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2
-      ;CHID\ndrag,start\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2
-      ;CHID\ndrag,stop\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2
-      ;CHID\ndrag,step\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2
-      ;CHID\drag,set\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring\nSTRING1
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nint\nINT1
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nfloat\nFLOAT1
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_set\nSTRING1\nSTRING2\nSTRING3...
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nint_set\nINT1\nINT2\nINT3...
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nfloat_set\nFLOAT1\nFLOAT2\nFLOAT3...
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_int\nSTRING1\nINT1
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_float\nSTRING1\nFLOAT1
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_int_set\nSTRING1\nINT1\nINT2\nINT3...
-      message;CHID\nOPCODE 
-  = send a "command" (cmd1, cmd2, cmd3 etc.) to an existing named
-    channel id "CHID". this can be a list of 1 or more command strings,
-    with each string broken by a continuous sequence of 1 or more \r
-    and/or \n characters. e.g. "\n", "\r", "\r\n", "\n\r",
-    "\n\r\n\n\n", etc.
-    commands understood are:
-        set the text of "PART NAME" to string "TEXT STRING"
-        emit signal "SIGNAL STRING" "SOURCE STRING"
-      drag\nPART NAME\n[value|size|step|page]\nVAL1\nVAL2
-        manipulate dragable of name "PART NAME" and either set "value",
-        "size", "step" or "page" properties to "VAL1" and "VAL2" for x
-        and y, where VAL1 and VAL2 are floating point values
-      chid\nCHANNEL ID
-        set the channel id of a given edje object (only valid in setup
-        commands for the inline edje object) to "CHANNEL ID" so it can
-        be addressed later.
-      message\nOPCODE ID\n[string|int|float|string_set|int_set|...
-      float_set|string|int|string_float|string_int_set|...
-      string_float_set]\n[message data]
-        send a message with opcode (integer) id "OPCODE ID" og one of
-        the given types supported ("string", "int", "float", etc.) and
-        then with the given "message data" at the end. message data
-        format depends on message type:
-        string:           STRING1
-        int:              INT1
-        float:            FLOAT1
-        string_set:       STRING1\nSTRING2\nSTRING3...
-        int_set:          INT1\nINT2\nINT3...
-        float_set:        FLOAT1\nFLOAT2\nFLOAT3...
-        string_int:       STRING1\nINT1
-        string_float:     STRING1\nFLOAT1
-        string_int_set:   STRING1\nINT1\nINT2\nINT3...
-        string_float_set: STRING1\nFLOAT1\nFLOAT2\nFLOAT3...
-  = begin media replace sequence run
-  = end media replace sequence run
-  = begin file send for a file named PATH/FILE
-  = set the size in bytes of a file send started with the above fr escape
-  = block of data for the current file transfer with checksum as a
-    string decimal which is the sum of every byte when taken as an
-    unsigned char per byte. the checksum is a signed 32bit integer.
-    the checksum is the sum of the data after escaping. 4 bits at a
-    time per data byte, encoded with high bits in one byte then low
-    bits, with the bits ecnoded as 4 bit value being 0x40 + 4 bit value
-    per byte. (@ == 0x0, A == 0x1, B == 0x2, ... N == 0xe, O == 0xf).
-    so to rebuild a byte will be (((bytes[0] - 0x40) & 0xf) << 4) |
-    ((bytes[1] - 0x40) & 0xf) per byte pair in the data block.
-  = exit file send mode (normally at the end of the file or when it's
-    complete)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e80942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+Terminology 1.1.1
+:warning: :warning: :warning:
+:warning: :warning: :warning:
+  * efl (>= 1.8.0)
+  * elementary (>= 1.8.0)
+Please note that some features may not quite function correctly or
+completely on EFL 1.8. Newer versions would be better.
+Please see for information on these.
+This is an EFL terminal emulator with some extra bells and whistles.
+Once you have met requirements, compiling and installing is simple:
+  meson build
+  cd build
+  ninja
+  ninja install
+Note: to make terminology work with input methods in general you need:
+  export ECORE_IMF_MODULE="xim"
+  export XMODIFIERS="@im=none"
+Mouse controls
+  * `Right mouse button` = controls menu
+  * `Middle mouse button` = paste highlight selection
+  * `Left mouse button/drag` = make highlight
+  * `Wheel` = scroll up or down in history
+  * `Ctrl+Wheel` = zoom font size up/down
+  * `Ctrl+Left mouse button/drag` = make block selection highlight
+Default key controls
+  * `Shift+PgUp` = Scroll 1 page up
+  * `Shift+PgDn` = Scroll 1 page down
+  * `Shift+Up` = Scroll 1 line up
+  * `Shift+Down` = Scroll 1 line down
+  * `Shift+Home` = Scroll to the top of the backlog
+  * `Shift+End` = Reset scroll
+  * `Shift+Left` = switch focus to previous terminal inside a window
+  * `Shift+Right` = switch focus to next terminal inside a window
+  * `Shift+Insert` = Paste Clipboard (`ctrl+v/c`) selection
+  * `Shift+Ctrl+Insert` = Paste Primary (highlight) selection
+  * `Shift+Keypad-Plus` = Font size up 1
+  * `Shift+Keypad-Minus` = Font size down 1
+  * `Shift+Keypad-Multiply` = Reset font size
+  * `Shift+Keypad-Divide` = Copy highlight to Clipboard (same as `Ctrl+c` in 
gui apps)
+  * `Ctrl+PgUp` = switch focus to previous terminal inside a window
+  * `Ctrl+PgDn` = switch focus to next terminal inside a window
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+t` = create new terminal on top of current inside window (tabs)
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+End` = close the focused terminal.
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+h` = toggle displaying the miniview of the history
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+Home` = bring up "tab" switcher
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+PgUp` = split terminal horizontally (1 term above the other)
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+PgDn` = split terminal vertically (1 term to the left of the 
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+c` = copy current selection to clipboard
+  * `Ctrl+Shift+v` = paste current clipboard selection
+  * `Alt+Home` = Enter command mode (enter commands to control terminology 
+  * `Alt+Return` = Paste primary selection
+  * `Alt+g` = Group input: send input to all visible terminals in the window
+  * `Alt+Shift+g` = Group input: send input to all terminals in the window
+  * `Alt+w` = Copy selection to primary
+  * `Alt+Up` = Focus the terminal above
+  * `Alt+Down` = Focus the terminal below
+  * `Alt+Left` = Focus the terminal on the left
+  * `Alt+Right` = Focus the terminal on the right
+  * `Ctrl+Alt+Equal` = Font size up 1
+  * `Ctrl+Alt+Minus` = Font size down 1
+  * `Ctrl+Alt+0` = Reset font size
+  * `Ctrl+Alt+9` = Big font size
+  * `Ctrl+Alt+t` = Set terminal title
+  * `Ctrl+1` = switch to terminal tab 1
+  * `Ctrl+2` = switch to terminal tab 2
+  * `Ctrl+3` = switch to terminal tab 3
+  * `Ctrl+4` = switch to terminal tab 4
+  * `Ctrl+5` = switch to terminal tab 5
+  * `Ctrl+6` = switch to terminal tab 6
+  * `Ctrl+7` = switch to terminal tab 7
+  * `Ctrl+8` = switch to terminal tab 8
+  * `Ctrl+9` = switch to terminal tab 9
+  * `Ctrl+0` = switch to terminal tab 10
+Apart from the ones shipped with Terminology, themes can be stored in
+`~/.config/terminology/themes/` .
+Companion tools
+Terminology ships with a set of tools to help you get the best out of
+  * `tyls`: list directory contents with bells and whistles
+  * `tyalpha`: set transparency level of the background
+  * `tybg`: change the background image
+  * `tycat`: display inline a media file or a URI
+  * `typop`: display in a popup a media file or a URI
+  * `tyq`: queue media files or URI to be popped up
+  * `tysend`: send files to the terminal (useful through ssh)
+Extended escapes for terminology only
+  1. `ESC` char (`\033` or `0x1b`)
+  2. `}` char
+  3. a sequence of UTF8 chars other than `nul` (`\000` or `0x00`).
+  4. `\000` char (`nul` byte or `0x00` to indicate end of sequence)
+  `echo -n '\033}Hello world\000'`
+## Commands
+In the following, any values inside square brackets `[]` are to be replaced
+by some content (numbers, strings, paths, url's etc.).
+  * `aa[PATH-OF-FILE]` should become something like: `aa/tmp/file.png`
+  * `aa[true/false]` should become something like:  `aatrue` or `aafalse`
+## Available commands
+  * `pn[FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+    popup the given media file/url now
+  * `pq[FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+     queue a popup for the given media file/url
+  * `bt[FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+    set the terminal background media file/url temporarily
+  * `bp[FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+    set the terminal background media file/url permanently
+  * `at[on/true/yes/off/false/no]`
+    set the terminal alpha state to be on, or off temporarily
+  * `ap[on/true/yes/off/false/no]`
+    set the terminal alpha state to be on, or off permanently
+  * `qs`
+  query grid and font size. stdin will have written to it:
+    `W;H;FW;FH\n`
+      * where `W` is the width of the terminal grid in characters
+      * where `H` is the height of the terminal grid in characters
+      * where `FW` is the width of 1 character cell in pixels
+      * where `FH` is the height of 1 character cell in pixels
+  * `is[CW;H;FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+    insert _Stretched_ media (where image will stretch to fill the cell area)
+    and define expected cell area to be `W` cells wide and `H` cells high,
+    with the image/media/url.
+      * where `C` is the replace character to be identified in later text
+      * where `W` is the width in character cells (up to 511).
+      * where `H` is the height in character cells (up to 511).
+    note that this escape alone has no effect. It indicates a future
+    intention of inserting media into the terminal. the terminal will
+    EXPECT a grid of `WxH` _replace characters_ to follow, with each
+    sequence of such replace characters beginning with a `ib` escape command
+    and ending with an 'ie' escape command.
+    the `FULL-PATH-OR-URL` for all  the `i` commands (`is`, `ic`, `if`, `it`)
+    may be of the form:
+      * `/full/path/to/file.png`
+      * OR `/full/path/to/link\n/full/path/to/file.png`
+    where a newline character separates a URI for a link and a full
+    path to a file to display in the region. the link is the
+    destination URI when a user may click on the given media image.
+    example:
+    ```sh
+      printf("\033}is#5;3;%s\000"
+             "\033}ib\000#####\033}ie\000\n"
+             "\033}ib\000#####\033}ie\000\n"
+             "\033}ib\000#####\033}ie\000\n", "/tmp/icon.png");
+    ```
+    note that `#` is the replace character, and later `#` chars if inside
+    begin/end escapes, will be replaced by the given media indicated
+    in the insert media escape.
+  * `ic[CW;H;FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+    insert _Centered_ media (centered in cell area). Otherwise parameters are
+    identical to the `is` command, but retains aspect and is padded by
+    blank space.
+  * `if[CW;H;FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+    insert _Filled_ media (fill in cell area). Otherwise parameters are
+    identical to the `is` command but ensures the entire area is
+    filled like a background even if media goes beyond cell bounds and is
+    clipped.
+  * `it[CW;H;FULL-PATH-OR-URL]`
+    insert _Thumb_ media (thumbnail cell area). Otherwise parameters are
+    identical to the `is` command, but uses thumbnail generation to
+    make a fast to load but low resolution version (cached) of the media.
+    insert _Thumb_ media with link (thumbnail cell area). Otherwise parameters
+    are identical to the `is` command, but uses thumbnail generation to
+    make a fast to load but low resolution version (cached) of the media.
+    `LINK` is a path (or url) to open _when_ the thumb is clicked on by the
+    user.
+  * `ij[CW;H;FULL-PATH\nGROUP][\n][cmd1][\r\n][cmd2]...`
+    insert _Edje_ object with file path given, and the group name given.
+    The command list (and the `\n` whitespace delimiter before the list)
+    is optional, but is executed/parsed before display of the actual
+    object to do things like initialize its initial state. See `iC`
+    command for more details on the command list.
+    Be aware that once you have an object with an assigned channel id,
+    it can send back signals and messages via escapes on stdin. These
+    escapes will follow terminology extended escape format
+    `(ESC + } ... \000)`, and the content will be one of:
+      * `;CHID\ndrag\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2`
+      * `;CHID\ndrag,start\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2`
+      * `;CHID\ndrag,stop\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2`
+      * `;CHID\ndrag,step\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2`
+      * `;CHID\drag,set\nPART NAME\nVAL1\nVAL2`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring\nSTRING1`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nint\nINT1`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nfloat\nFLOAT1`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_set\nSTRING1\nSTRING2\nSTRING3...`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nint_set\nINT1\nINT2\nINT3...`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nfloat_set\nFLOAT1\nFLOAT2\nFLOAT3...`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_int\nSTRING1\nINT1`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_float\nSTRING1\nFLOAT1`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE ID\nstring_int_set\nSTRING1\nINT1\nINT2\nINT3...`
+      * `message;CHID\nOPCODE 
+  * `iC[CHID]\n[cmd1][\r\n][cmd2][\r\n][cmd3]...`
+    send a _Command_ (`cmd1`, `cmd2`, `cmd3` etc.) to an existing named
+    channel id `CHID`. this can be a list of 1 or more command strings,
+    with each string broken by a continuous sequence of 1 or more `\r`
+    and/or `\n` characters. e.g. `\n`, `\r`, `\r\n`, `\n\r`,
+    `\n\r\n\n\n`, etc.
+    commands understood are:
+      * `text\nPART NAME\nTEXT STRING`
+        set the text of `PART NAME` to string `TEXT STRING`
+        emit signal `SIGNAL STRING` `SOURCE STRING`
+      * `drag\nPART NAME\n[value|size|step|page]\nVAL1\nVAL2`
+        manipulate dragable of name `PART NAME` and either set `value`,
+        `size`, `step` or `page` properties to `VAL1` and `VAL2` for `x`
+        and `y`, where `VAL1` and `VAL2` are floating point values
+      * `chid\nCHANNEL ID`
+        set the channel id of a given edje object (only valid in setup
+        commands for the inline edje object) to `CHANNEL ID` so it can
+        be addressed later.
+      * `message\nOPCODE ID\n[string|int|float|string_set|int_set|...`
+        `float_set|string|int|string_float|string_int_set|...`
+        `string_float_set]\n[message data]`
+        send a message with opcode (integer) id `OPCODE ID` of one of
+        the given types supported (`string`, `int`, `float`, etc.) and
+        then with the given `message data` at the end.
+        `message data` format depends on message type:
+          * `string`:           `STRING1`
+          * `int`:              `INT1`
+          * `float`:            `FLOAT1`
+          * `string_set`:       `STRING1\nSTRING2\nSTRING3...`
+          * `int_set`:          `INT1\nINT2\nINT3...`
+          * `float_set`:        `FLOAT1\nFLOAT2\nFLOAT3...`
+          * `string_int`:       `STRING1\nINT1`
+          * `string_float`:     `STRING1\nFLOAT1`
+          * `string_int_set`:   `STRING1\nINT1\nINT2\nINT3...`
+          * `string_float_set`: `STRING1\nFLOAT1\nFLOAT2\nFLOAT3...`
+  * `ib`
+    begin media replace sequence run
+  * `ie`
+    end media replace sequence run
+  * `fr[PATH/FILE]`
+    begin file send for a file named `PATH` / `FILE`
+  * `fs[SIZE_BYTES]`
+    set the size in bytes of a file send started with the above fr escape
+  * `fd[CHECKSUM DATA]`
+    block of data for the current file transfer with checksum as a
+    string decimal which is the sum of every byte when taken as an
+    unsigned char per byte. the checksum is a signed 32bit integer.
+    the checksum is the sum of the data after escaping. 4 bits at a
+    time per data byte, encoded with high bits in one byte then low
+    bits, with the bits encoded as 4 bit value being `0x40` + 4 bit value
+    per byte. `(@ == 0x0, A == 0x1, B == 0x2, ... N == 0xe, O == 0xf)`.
+    so to rebuild a byte will be `(((bytes[0] - 0x40) & 0xf) << 4) | 
((bytes[1] - 0x40) & 0xf)` per byte pair in the data block.
+  * `fx`
+    exit file send mode (normally at the end of the file or when it's
+    complete)


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