WWW-www.enlightenment.org pushed a commit to branch master.


commit 71c9fd01673896804ea56e48dc42f43dc471abd4
Author: Xavi Artigas <xavierarti...@yahoo.es>
Date:   Wed Jan 23 07:56:21 2019 -0800

    Wiki page events.md changed with summary [Adapt to latest EFL# syntax] by 
Xavi Artigas
 pages/develop/guides/csharp/core/events.md.txt | 62 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pages/develop/guides/csharp/core/events.md.txt 
index c25696a4a..0797d1cfd 100644
--- a/pages/develop/guides/csharp/core/events.md.txt
+++ b/pages/develop/guides/csharp/core/events.md.txt
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The method signature for the callback is:
 void callback(object sender, EventArgs e);
-*sender* is the object that emitted the event and *e* contains any additional 
information that the event sent, after casting it to the required type (for 
example, `efl.input.Interface.KeyDownEvt_Args` when connecting to the 
`efl.input.Interface.KeyDownEvt` event).
+*sender* is the object that emitted the event and *e* contains any additional 
information that the event sent. Events emitting additional information require 
that you use their own *EventArgs* class, for example, 
`Efl.Input.InterfaceKeyDownEvt_Args` when connecting to the 
`Efl.Input.Interface.KeyDownEvt` event.
 > **NOTE:**
 > The [API Reference documentation](/develop/api/) for each event tells you 
 > what type to cast *e* to (*Not available for C# yet*).
@@ -70,49 +70,49 @@ public class Example
     // Polling callback
     private static void PollCb(object sender, EventArgs e)
-        Console.WriteLine("  Poll from {0}", ((efl.IObject)sender).GetName());
+        Console.WriteLine("  Poll from {0}", ((Efl.Object)sender).GetName());
     public static void Main()
         // Initialize EFL and all UI components
-        efl.All.Init();
+        Efl.All.Init();
         // Retrieve the application's main loop
-        var mainloop = efl.App.GetLoopMain();
+        var mainloop = Efl.App.AppMain;
         // This event gets triggered continuously
         mainloop.PollHighEvt += PollCb;
         // This timer will control events fired by the main loop
-        new efl.Loop_Timer(mainloop, (efl.ILoop_Timer etimer) => {
-            etimer.SetName("Timer");
+        var timer = new Efl.LoopTimer(mainloop, (Efl.LoopTimer etimer) => {
             // Trigger every 100ms
-            // To count number of timer triggers
-            int tick_count = 0;
-            etimer.TickEvt += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
-                string message = "Tick {0} from {1}: ";
-                // Depending on the number of timer ticks, it does a different 
-                switch (tick_count) {
-                    case 0:
-                        message += "Freezing Mainloop events";
-                        mainloop.FreezeEvent();
-                        break;
-                    case 1:
-                        message += "Thawing Mainloop events";
-                        mainloop.ThawEvent();
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        message += "Quitting";
-                        mainloop.Quit(new eina.Value(0));
-                        break;
-                }
-                Console.WriteLine(message, tick_count, 
-                tick_count++;
-            };
+        timer.SetName("Timer");
+        // To count number of timer triggers
+        int tick_count = 0;
+        timer.TickEvt += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
+            string message = "Tick {0} from {1}: ";
+            // Depending on the number of timer ticks, it does a different 
+            switch (tick_count) {
+                case 0:
+                    message += "Freezing Mainloop events";
+                    mainloop.FreezeEvent();
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    message += "Thawing Mainloop events";
+                    mainloop.ThawEvent();
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    message += "Quitting";
+                    mainloop.Quit(new Eina.Value(0));
+                    break;
+            }
+            Console.WriteLine(message, tick_count, 
+            tick_count++;
+        };
         Console.WriteLine("Waiting for Timer to call back...");
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ public class Example
         // Shutdown EFL
-        efl.All.Shutdown();
+        Efl.All.Shutdown();
         Console.WriteLine("Application is over");
-A handler is connected to the `PollHighEvt` event of the application's main 
loop, which triggers continuously, at an undefined frequency of several shots 
per second (See the Main Loop Programming Guide, *coming soon*). At every shot, 
a line is printed on the console.
+A handler is connected to the `PollHighEvt` event of the application's main 
loop, which triggers continuously, at an undefined frequency of several shots 
per second (See the [Main Loop Programming Guide](main-loop.md)). At every 
shot, a line is printed on the console.
 At the same time, a timer is instantiated, firing every 100ms, which does a 
different thing at every shot:
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Tick 2 from Timer: Quitting
 As you can see, the line `Poll from Mainloop` is printed continuously except 
in the period between Tick 0 and Tick 1 of the Timer, where main loop events 
are frozen.
-The exact amount of `Poll from Mainloop` messages you get depends on the 
frequency of the `PollHighEvt` event, which is chosen by EFL. The important 
thing is that there should be no such messages in between timer ticks 0 and 1, 
since main loop events are frozen,
+The exact amount of `Poll from Mainloop` messages you get depends on the 
frequency of the `PollHighEvt` event, which is chosen by EFL. The important 
thing is that there should be no such messages in between timer ticks 0 and 1, 
since main loop events are frozen.
 ## Further Reading ##


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