q66 pushed a commit to branch master.


commit a7d475be472616f6b5e5d301f4a2646464370e5d
Author: Daniel Kolesa <d.kol...@samsung.com>
Date:   Thu May 21 17:29:23 2020 +0200

    elua: remove old lua bindings generator
 src/scripts/elua/apps/empty.txt      |   0
 src/scripts/elua/apps/lualian.lua    |  65 ----
 src/scripts/elua/modules/lualian.lua | 718 -----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 783 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/scripts/elua/apps/empty.txt b/src/scripts/elua/apps/empty.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/src/scripts/elua/apps/lualian.lua 
deleted file mode 100644
index f0837d7e35..0000000000
--- a/src/scripts/elua/apps/lualian.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
--- Lualian application
--- for use with Elua
-local lualian = require("lualian")
-local  getopt = require("getopt")
-local gen_file = function(opts, i, fname)
-    local printv  = opts["v"] and print or function() end
-    printv("Generating for file: " .. fname)
-    local ofile   = opts["o"] and opts["o"][i] or nil
-    local fstream = io.stdout
-    if ofile then
-        printv("  Output file: " .. ofile)
-        fstream = io.open(ofile, "w")
-        if not fstream then
-            error("Cannot open output file: " .. ofile)
-        end
-    else
-        printv("  Output file: printing to stdout...")
-    end
-    lualian.generate(fname, fstream)
-getopt.parse {
-    usage = "Usage: %prog [OPTIONS] file1.eo file2.eo ... fileN.eo",
-    args  = arg,
-    descs = {
-        { category = "General" },
-        { "h", "help", nil, help = "Show this message.", metavar = "CATEGORY",
-            callback = getopt.help_cb(io.stdout)
-        },
-        { "v", "verbose", false, help = "Be verbose." },
-        { category = "Generator" },
-        { "I", "include", true, help = "Include a directory.", metavar = "DIR",
-            list = {}
-        },
-        { "o", "output", true, help = "Specify output file name(s), by "
-            .. "default goes to stdout.",
-            list = {}
-        }
-    },
-    error_cb = function(parser, msg)
-        io.stderr:write(msg, "\n")
-        getopt.help(parser, io.stderr)
-    end,
-    done_cb = function(parser, opts, args)
-        if not opts["h"] then
-            for i, v in ipairs(opts["I"] or {}) do
-                lualian.include_dir(v)
-            end
-            if os.getenv("EFL_RUN_IN_TREE") then
-                lualian.system_directory_add()
-            end
-            lualian.load_eot_files()
-            for i, fname in ipairs(args) do
-                gen_file(opts, i, fname)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-return true
diff --git a/src/scripts/elua/modules/lualian.lua 
deleted file mode 100644
index e515aaf8bc..0000000000
--- a/src/scripts/elua/modules/lualian.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
--- Elua lualian module
-local cutil  = require("cutil")
-local util   = require("util")
-local log    = require("eina.log")
-local eolian = require("eolian")
-local M = {}
-local dom
-local type_type = eolian.type_type
-local class_type = eolian.class_type
-local func_type = eolian.function_type
-local obj_scope = eolian.object_scope
-local param_dir = eolian.parameter_dir
-local gen_unit
-local gen_state
-local get_state = function()
-    if not gen_state then
-        gen_state = eolian.new()
-    end
-    return assert(gen_state, "could not create eolian state")
-    dom = log.Domain("lualian")
-    if not dom:is_valid() then
-        log.err("Could not register log domain: lualian")
-        error("Could not register log domain: lualian")
-    end
-end, function()
-    dom:unregister()
-    dom = nil
-local lua_kw = {
-    ["and"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["local"] = true,
-    ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true, ["repeat"] = true,
-    ["then"] = true, ["until"] = true
-local kw_t = function(n)
-    if lua_kw[n] then
-        return n .. "_"
-    end
-    return n
-local int_builtin = {
-    ["byte" ] = true, ["short"] = true, ["int"] = true, ["long"] = true,
-    ["llong"] = true,
-    ["int8"  ] = true, ["int16"] = true, ["int32"] = true, ["int64"] = true,
-    ["int128"] = true,
-    ["intptr"] = true
-local num_others = {
-    ["size" ] = true, ["ssize" ] = true, ["ptrdiff"] = true,
-    ["float"] = true, ["double"] = true
-local is_num = function(x)
-    if not x then
-        return false
-    end
-    if num_others [x       ] then return true end
-    if int_builtin[x       ] then return true end
-    if int_builtin["u" .. x] then return true end
-    return false
-local known_out = {
-    ["Evas_Coord"] = function(expr) return ("tonumber(%s)"):format(expr) end,
-    ["bool"] = function(expr) return ("((%s) ~= 0)"):format(expr) end,
-    ["char"] = function(expr) return ("string.char(%s)"):format(expr) end
-local known_in = {
-    ["Evas_Coord"] = function(expr) return expr end,
-    ["bool"] = function(expr) return expr end
-local known_ptr_out = {
-    ["const char"] = function(expr) return ("ffi.string(%s)"):format(expr) end
-local known_ptr_in = {
-    ["const char"] = function(expr) return expr end
-local convfuncs = {}
-local build_calln = function(tps, expr, isin)
-    return expr
-local typeconv = function(tps, expr, isin)
-    if tps:type_get() == type_type.POINTER then
-        local base = tps:base_type_get()
-        local f = (isin and known_ptr_in or 
-        if f then return f(expr) end
-        return build_calln(tps, expr, isin)
-    end
-    local tp = tps:short_name_get()
-    if is_num(tp) then
-        return isin and expr or ("tonumber(%s)"):format(expr)
-    end
-    local f = (isin and known_in or known_out)[tp]
-    if f then
-        return f(expr)
-    end
-    return build_calln(tps, expr, isin)
-local Node = util.Object:clone {
-    generate = function(self, s)
-    end,
-    gen_children = function(self, s)
-        local len = #self.children
-        local evs = self.events
-        local evslen
-        if evs then evslen = #evs end
-        local hasevs = evs and evslen > 0
-        local hasprops = false
-        local nprops = 0
-        local props = {}
-        for i, v in ipairs(self.children) do
-            v.parent_node = self
-            if v.generate_prop then
-                if v:generate_prop(props) then
-                    nprops = nprops + 1
-                end
-                hasprops = true
-            end
-            v:generate(s, (not hasevs) and (not hasprops) and (i == len))
-        end
-        if hasevs then
-            s:write("    __events = {\n")
-            for i, v in ipairs(evs) do
-                v.parent_node = self
-                v:generate(s, i == evslen)
-            end
-            s:write("    }", hasprops and "," or "", "\n")
-        end
-        if hasprops then
-            if hasevs then
-                s:write("\n")
-            end
-            s:write("    __properties = {\n")
-            local pi = 0
-            for k, v in pairs(props) do
-                pi = pi + 1
-                s:write("        [\"", k, "\"] = { ", table.concat(v, ", "),
-                    " }", pi ~= nprops and "," or "", "\n")
-            end
-            s:write("    }\n")
-        end
-    end
-local Method = Node:clone {
-    __ctor = function(self, meth)
-        self.method = meth
-    end,
-    gen_proto = function(self)
-        if self.cached_proto then return self.cached_proto end
-        local meth = self.method
-        local pars = meth:parameters_get()
-        local rett = meth:return_type_get(func_type.METHOD)
-        local proto = {
-            name    = meth:name_get()
-        }
-        proto.ret_type = rett and rett:c_type_get(eolian.c_type_type.RETURN) 
or "void"
-        local args, cargs, vargs = { "self" }, {}, {}
-        proto.args, proto.cargs, proto.vargs = args, cargs, vargs
-        local rets = {}
-        proto.rets = rets
-        local allocs = {}
-        proto.allocs = allocs
-        proto.full_name = meth:full_c_name_get(func_type.METHOD)
-        local fulln = proto.full_name
-        if rett then
-            rets[#rets + 1] = typeconv(rett, "v", false)
-        end
-        for v in pars do
-            local dir, tps, nm = v:direction_get(), v:type_get(), 
-            local tp = tps:c_type_get(eolian.c_type_type.PARAM)
-            if dir == param_dir.OUT or dir == param_dir.INOUT then
-                if dir == param_dir.INOUT then
-                    args[#args + 1] = nm
-                end
-                cargs [#cargs  + 1] = tp .. " *" .. nm
-                vargs [#vargs  + 1] = nm
-                allocs[#allocs + 1] = { tp, nm, (dir == param_dir.INOUT)
-                    and typeconv(tps, nm, true) or nil }
-                rets  [#rets   + 1] = typeconv(tps, nm .. "[0]", false)
-            else
-                args  [#args   + 1] = nm
-                cargs [#cargs  + 1] = tp .. " " .. nm
-                vargs [#vargs  + 1] = typeconv(tps, nm, true)
-            end
-        end
-        if #cargs == 0 then cargs[1] = "void" end
-        self.cached_proto = proto
-        return proto
-    end,
-    generate = function(self, s, last)
-        local proto = self:gen_proto()
-        s:write("    ", proto.name, proto.suffix or "", " = function(",
-            table.concat(proto.args, ", "), ")\n")
-        s:write( "        eo.__do_start(self, __class)\n")
-        for i, v in ipairs(proto.allocs) do
-            s:write("        local ", v[2], " = ffi.new(\"", v[1], "[1]\")\n")
-        end
-        local genv = (proto.ret_type ~= "void")
-        s:write("        ", genv and "local v = " or "", "__lib.",
-            proto.full_name, "(", table.concat(proto.vargs, ", "), ")\n")
-        s:write("        eo.__do_end()\n")
-        if #proto.rets > 0 then
-            s:write("        return ", table.concat(proto.rets, ", "), "\n")
-        end
-        s:write("    end", last and "" or ",", last and "\n" or "\n\n")
-    end,
-    gen_ffi = function(self, s)
-        local proto = self:gen_proto()
-        local ret = proto.ret_type
-        if ret:match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]$") then
-            ret = ret .. " "
-        end
-        local cproto = {
-            "    ", ret, proto.full_name, "(", table.concat(proto.cargs, ", "),
-            ");\n"
-        }
-        s:write(table.concat(cproto))
-    end
-local Property = Method:clone {
-    __ctor = function(self, prop, ftype)
-        self.property = prop
-        self.isget    = (ftype == func_type.PROP_GET)
-        self.ftype    = ftype
-    end,
-    gen_proto = function(self)
-        if self.cached_proto then return self.cached_proto end
-        local prop = self.property
-        local keys = prop:property_keys_get(self.ftype):to_array()
-        local vals = prop:property_values_get(self.ftype):to_array()
-        local rett = prop:return_type_get(self.ftype)
-        local proto = {
-            name    = prop:name_get(),
-            suffix  = (self.isget and "_get" or "_set"),
-            nkeys   = #keys,
-            nvals   = #vals
-        }
-        proto.ret_type = rett and rett:c_type_get(eolian.c_type_type.RETURN) 
or "void"
-        local args, cargs, vargs = { "self" }, {}, {}
-        proto.args, proto.cargs, proto.vargs = args, cargs, vargs
-        local rets = {}
-        proto.rets = rets
-        local allocs = {}
-        proto.allocs = allocs
-        proto.full_name = prop:full_c_name_get(self.ftype)
-        local fulln = proto.full_name
-        if #keys > 0 then
-            for i, v in ipairs(keys) do
-                local nm  = kw_t(v:name_get())
-                local tps = v:type_get()
-                local tp  = tps:c_type_get(eolian.c_type_type.PARAM)
-                args [#args  + 1] = nm
-                cargs[#cargs + 1] = tp .. " " .. nm
-                vargs[#vargs + 1] = typeconv(tps, nm, true)
-            end
-        end
-        proto.kprop = #keys > 0
-        if #vals > 0 then
-            if self.isget then
-                if #vals == 1 and not rett then
-                    local tps = vals[1]:type_get()
-                    proto.ret_type = tps:c_type_get(eolian.c_type_type.PARAM)
-                    rets[#rets + 1] = typeconv(tps, "v", false)
-                else
-                    for i, v in ipairs(vals) do
-                        local dir, tps, nm = v:direction_get(), v:type_get(),
-                            kw_t(v:name_get())
-                        local tp = tps:c_type_get(eolian.c_type_type.PARAM)
-                        cargs [#cargs  + 1] = tp .. " *" .. nm
-                        vargs [#vargs  + 1] = nm
-                        allocs[#allocs + 1] = { tp, nm }
-                        rets  [#rets   + 1] = typeconv(tps, nm .. "[0]", false)
-                    end
-                end
-            else
-                for i, v in ipairs(vals) do
-                    local dir, tps, nm = v:direction_get(), v:type_get(),
-                        kw_t(v:name_get())
-                    local tp = tps:c_type_get(eolian.c_type_type.PARAM)
-                    args [#args  + 1] = nm
-                    cargs[#cargs + 1] = tp .. " " .. nm
-                    vargs[#vargs + 1] = typeconv(tps, nm, true)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        if #cargs == 0 then cargs[1] = "void" end
-        self.cached_proto = proto
-        return proto
-    end,
-    generate_prop = function(self, props)
-        local proto = self:gen_proto()
-        local prop = props[proto.name]
-        local hasprop = true
-        if not prop then
-            prop = { 0, 0, 0, 0, "false", "false" }
-            props[proto.name] = prop
-            hasprop = false
-        end
-        if self.isget then
-            prop[1] = proto.nkeys
-            prop[3] = math.max(proto.nvals, 1)
-            prop[5] = "true"
-        else
-            prop[2] = proto.nkeys
-            prop[4] = math.max(proto.nvals, 1)
-            prop[6] = "true"
-        end
-        return not hasprop
-    end
-local Event = Node:clone {
-    __ctor = function(self, ename, etype, ecname)
-        self.ename  = ename
-        self.etype  = etype
-        self.ecname = ecname
-    end,
-    generate = function(self, s, last)
-        s:write("        [\"", self.ename, "\"] = __lib.",
-            "_" .. self.ecname, last and "\n" or ",\n")
-    end,
-    gen_ffi = function(self, s)
-        s:write("    extern const Eo_Event_Description ",
-            "_" .. self.ecname, ";\n")
-    end
-local gen_ns = function(klass, s)
-    local nspaces = klass:namespaces_get():to_array()
-    if #nspaces > 1 then
-        local lnspaces = {}
-        for i = 2, #nspaces do
-            lnspaces[i - 1] = '"' .. nspaces[i]:lower() .. '"'
-        end
-        s:write("local __M = util.get_namespace(M, { ",
-            table.concat(lnspaces, ", "), " })\n")
-        return "__M"
-    else
-        return "M"
-    end
-local Mixin = Node:clone {
-    __ctor = function(self, iface, klass, ch, evs)
-        self.klass    = klass
-        self.children = ch
-        self.events   = evs
-        self.iface    = iface
-    end,
-    generate = function(self, s)
-        dom:log(log.level.INFO, "  Generating for interface/mixin: "
-            .. self.klass:name_get())
-        s:write("ffi.cdef [[\n")
-        self:gen_ffi(s)
-        s:write("]]\n\n")
-        gen_ns(self.klass, s)
-        s:write("__body = {\n")
-        self:gen_children(s)
-        s:write("}\n")
-        local knu = self.klass:name_get():gsub("%.", "_")
-        if not self.iface then
-            s:write(("__body[\"__mixin_%s\"] = true\n"):format(knu))
-        else
-            s:write(("__body[\"__iface_%s\"] = true\n"):format(knu))
-        end
-    end,
-    gen_ffi = function(self, s)
-        s:write("    const Eo_Class *", self.klass:c_get_function_name_get(),
-            "(void);\n")
-        for i, v in ipairs(self.children) do
-            v.parent_node = self
-            v:gen_ffi(s)
-        end
-        if self.events then
-            for i, v in ipairs(self.events) do
-                v.parent_node = self
-                v:gen_ffi(s)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-local build_pn = function(fn, pn)
-    if fn == pn then
-        return kw_t(pn)
-    end
-    return fn .. "_" .. pn
-local Class = Node:clone {
-    __ctor = function(self, klass, parents, mixins, ch, evs)
-        self.klass      = klass
-        self.parents    = parents
-        self.interfaces = interfaces
-        self.mixins     = mixins
-        self.children   = ch
-        self.events     = evs
-    end,
-    generate = function(self, s)
-        dom:log(log.level.INFO, "  Generating for class: "
-            .. self.klass:name_get())
-        s:write("ffi.cdef [[\n")
-        self:gen_ffi(s)
-        s:write("]]\n\n")
-        local mname = gen_ns(self.klass, s)
-        s:write("__body = {\n")
-        self:gen_ctor(s)
-        self:gen_children(s)
-        s:write("}\n")
-        -- write the constructor
-        s:write(([[
-%s.%s = function(parent, ...)
-    return eo.__ctor_common(__class, parent, eo.class_get("%s").__eo_ctor,
-                            1, ...)
-]]):format(mname, self.klass:short_name_get(), self.klass:name_get():gsub("%.",
-        "_")))
-    end,
-    gen_ffi = Mixin.gen_ffi,
-    gen_ctor = function(self, s)
-        local ctors = self.klass:constructors_get()
-        if not ctors then return end
-        -- collect constructor information
-        s:write("    __eo_ctor = function(self, ")
-        local cfuncs, parnames, upars = {}, {}, {}
-        for ctor in ctors do
-            local cfunc = ctor:function_get()
-            local cn = cfunc:name_get()
-            local tp = cfunc:type_get()
-            if tp == func_type.PROPERTY or tp == func_type.PROP_SET
-            or tp == func_type.METHOD then
-                cfuncs[#cfuncs + 1] = cfunc
-                if tp ~= func_type.METHOD then
-                    for par in cfunc:property_keys_get(func_type.PROP_SET) do
-                        parnames[#parnames + 1] = build_pn(cn, par:name_get())
-                    end
-                end
-                local iter = (tp ~= func_type.METHOD)
-                    and cfunc:property_values_get(func_type.PROP_SET)
-                    or  cfunc:parameters_get()
-                for par in iter do
-                    if par:direction_get() ~= param_dir.OUT then
-                        parnames[#parnames + 1] = build_pn(cn, par:name_get())
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        s:write(table.concat(parnames, ", "))
-        if #parnames == 0 then
-            s:write("__func")
-        else
-            s:write(", __func")
-        end
-        s:write(")\n")
-        -- write ctor body
-        local j = 1
-        for i, cfunc in ipairs(cfuncs) do
-            local tp = cfunc:type_get()
-            s:write("        self:", cfunc:name_get())
-            if cfunc:type_get() ~= func_type.METHOD then
-                s:write("_set")
-            end
-            s:write("(")
-            local fpars = {}
-            if tp ~= func_type.METHOD then
-                for par in cfunc:property_keys_get(func_type.PROP_SET) do
-                    fpars[#fpars + 1] = parnames[j]
-                    j = j + 1
-                end
-            end
-            local iter = (tp ~= func_type.METHOD)
-                and cfunc:property_values_get(func_type.PROP_SET)
-                or  cfunc:parameters_get()
-            for par in iter do
-                if par:direction_get() ~= param_dir.OUT then
-                    fpars[#fpars + 1] = parnames[j]
-                    j = j + 1
-                end
-            end
-            s:write(table.concat(fpars, ", "))
-            s:write(")\n")
-        end
-        s:write("        if __func then __func() end\n")
-        s:write("    end")
-        if #self.children > 0 then
-            s:write(",\n\n")
-        else
-            s:write("\n")
-        end
-    end
-local File = Node:clone {
-    __ctor = function(self, fname, klass, ch)
-        self.fname    = fname:match(".+/(.+)") or fname
-        self.klass    = klass
-        self.children = ch
-    end,
-    generate = function(self, s)
-        local kls  = self.klass
-        local ckls = self.children[1]
-        local kn  = kls:name_get()
-        dom:log(log.level.INFO, "Generating for file: " .. self.fname)
-        dom:log(log.level.INFO, "  Class            : " .. kn)
-        local knu = kn:gsub("%.", "_")
-        local pars = ckls.parents or {}
-        local mins = ckls.mixins  or {}
-        -- serialize both
-        local pv = {}
-        local mv = {}
-        for i = 1, #pars do pv[i] = '"' .. pars[i]:gsub("%.", "_") .. '"' end
-        for i = 1, #mins do mv[i] = '"' .. mins[i]:gsub("%.", "_") .. '"' end
-        pars = (#pars > 0) and ("{" .. table.concat(pv, ", ") .. "}") or "nil"
-        mins = (#mins > 0) and ("{" .. table.concat(mv, ", ") .. "}") or "nil"
-        s:write(([[
--- EFL LuaJIT bindings: %s (class %s)
--- For use with Elua; automatically generated, do not modify
-local cutil = require("cutil")
-local util  = require("util")
-local ffi   = require("ffi")
-local eo    = require("eo")
-local M, __lib = ...
-local __class
-local __body
-local init = function()
-    __class = __lib.%s()
-    eo.class_register("%s", %s, %s, __body, __class)
-cutil.init_module(init, function() end)
-]]):format(self.fname, kn, kls:c_get_function_name_get(), knu, pars, mins))
-        self:gen_children(s)
-        s:write([[
-return M
-        local first = true
-        for name, v in pairs(convfuncs) do
-            if first then
-                print("\nRequired conversion functions:")
-                first = false
-            end
-            print("    " .. name)
-        end
-    end
-local gen_contents = function(klass)
-    local cnt = {}
-    -- first try properties
-    local props = klass:functions_get(func_type.PROPERTY):to_array()
-    for i, v in ipairs(props) do
-        local gscope = v:scope_get(func_type.PROP_GET)
-        local sscope = v:scope_get(func_type.PROP_SET)
-        if (gscope == obj_scope.PUBLIC or sscope == obj_scope.PUBLIC) then
-            local ftype  = v:type_get()
-            local fread  = (ftype == func_type.PROPERTY or ftype == 
-            local fwrite = (ftype == func_type.PROPERTY or ftype == 
-            if fwrite and sscope == obj_scope.PUBLIC then
-                cnt[#cnt + 1] = Property(v, func_type.PROP_SET)
-            end
-            if fread and gscope == obj_scope.PUBLIC then
-                cnt[#cnt + 1] = Property(v, func_type.PROP_GET)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    -- then methods
-    local meths = klass:functions_get(func_type.METHOD):to_array()
-    for i, v in ipairs(meths) do
-        if v:scope_get(func_type.METHOD) == obj_scope.PUBLIC then
-            cnt[#cnt + 1] = Method(v)
-        end
-    end
-    -- events
-    local evs = {}
-    local events = klass:events_get():to_array()
-    for i, v in ipairs(events) do
-        evs[#evs + 1] = Event(v:name_get(), v:type_get(), v:c_name_get())
-    end
-    return cnt, evs
-local gen_class = function(klass)
-    local tp = klass:type_get()
-    if tp == class_type.UNKNOWN then
-        error(klass:name_get() .. ": unknown type")
-    elseif tp == class_type.MIXIN or tp == class_type.INTERFACE then
-        return Mixin(tp == class_type.INTERFACE, klass, gen_contents(klass))
-    end
-    local inherits = klass:inherits_get():to_array()
-    -- figure out the correct lookup order
-    local parents = {}
-    local mixins  = {} -- also includes ifaces, they're separated later
-    for i = 1, #inherits do
-        local tp = inherits[i]:type_get()
-        if tp == class_type.REGULAR or tp == class_type.ABSTRACT then
-            parents[#parents + 1] = v
-        elseif tp == class_type.INTERFACE or tp == class_type.MIXIN then
-            mixins[#mixins + 1] = v
-        else
-            error(klass:name_get() .. ": unknown inherit " .. v)
-        end
-    end
-    return Class(klass, parents, mixins, gen_contents(klass))
-M.include_dir = function(dir)
-    if not get_state():directory_add(dir) then
-        error("Failed including directory: " .. dir)
-    end
-M.load_eot_files = function()
-    return get_state():all_eot_files_parse()
-M.system_directory_add = function()
-    return get_state():system_directory_add()
-M.generate = function(fname, fstream)
-    local unit = get_state():file_parse(fname)
-    if unit == nil then
-        error("Failed parsing file: " .. fname)
-    end
-    gen_unit = unit
-    local sfn = fname:match(".*[\\/](.+)$") or fname
-    local klass = get_state():class_by_file_get(sfn)
-    File(fname, klass, { gen_class(klass) }):generate(fstream or io.stdout)
-return M


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