billiob pushed a commit to branch master.

commit 91cf60e02a12b51f2ba10d26b62071ae3f7251fa
Author: Boris Faure <>
Date:   Fri Oct 30 22:40:01 2020 +0100 work with new format
 data/colorschemes/ | 146 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/colorschemes/ b/data/colorschemes/
index 409fcff..798962c 100755
--- a/data/colorschemes/
+++ b/data/colorschemes/
@@ -3,38 +3,6 @@
 import argparse
 import configparser
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert INI colorschemes to EET 
description files.')
-                    type=argparse.FileType('r'),
-                    help='INI File to convert')
-                    type=argparse.FileType('w'),
-                    help='EET description to write')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
-out = args.output_file
-assert(int(cfg['Main']['version']) == 1)
-out.write('group "Color_Scheme" struct {\n')
-out.write('    value "version" int: {};\n'
-          .format(cfg.get('Main', 'version', fallback='1')))
-out.write('    value "md.version" int: {};\n'
-          .format(cfg.get('Metadata', 'version', fallback='1')))
-out.write('    value "" string: "{}";\n'
-          .format(cfg['Metadata']['name']))
-out.write('    value "" string: "{}";\n'
-          .format(cfg['Metadata']['author']))
-out.write('    value "" string: "{}";\n'
-          .format(cfg.get('Metadata', 'website', fallback='')))
-out.write('    value "md.license" string: "{}";\n'
-          .format(cfg['Metadata']['license']))
 def parse_color(color_string):
     h = color_string.lstrip('#')
     if len(h) == 6:
@@ -46,7 +14,7 @@ def parse_color(color_string):
     elif len(h) == 4:
         return tuple(int(h[i]+h[i], 16) for i in (0, 1, 2, 3))
-def write_color(color_string):
+def write_color(out, color_string):
     (r, g, b, a) = parse_color(color_string)
     out.write('        group "Color" struct {\n')
     out.write('            value "r" uchar: {};\n'.format(r))
@@ -55,49 +23,81 @@ def write_color(color_string):
     out.write('            value "a" uchar: {};\n'.format(a))
     out.write('        }\n')
-def write_name_color(color_name, default):
+def write_md(out, cfg):
+    out.write('    value "version" int: {};\n'
+              .format(cfg.get('Main', 'version', fallback='1')))
+    out.write('    value "md.version" int: {};\n'
+              .format(cfg.get('Metadata', 'version', fallback='1')))
+    out.write('    value "" string: "{}";\n'
+              .format(cfg['Metadata']['name']))
+    out.write('    value "" string: "{}";\n'
+              .format(cfg['Metadata']['author']))
+    out.write('    value "" string: "{}";\n'
+              .format(cfg.get('Metadata', 'website', fallback='')))
+    out.write('    value "md.license" string: "{}";\n'
+              .format(cfg['Metadata']['license']))
+def write_named_color(out, cfg, section, color_name, default=None):
     out.write('    group "{}" struct {{\n'.format(color_name))
-    write_color(cfg.get('Colors', color_name, fallback=default))
+    write_color(out, cfg.get(section, color_name, fallback=default))
     out.write('    }\n')
-write_name_color('def', '#aaaaaa')
-write_name_color('bg', '#202020')
-write_name_color('fg', '#aaaaaa')
-write_name_color('main', '#3599ff')
-write_name_color('hl', '#ffffff')
-write_name_color('end_sel', '#ff3300')
-write_name_color('tab_missed_1', '#ff9933')
-write_name_color('tab_missed_2', '#ff3300')
-write_name_color('tab_missed_3', '#ff0000')
-write_name_color('tab_missed_over_1', '#ffff40')
-write_name_color('tab_missed_over_2', '#ff9933')
-write_name_color('tab_missed_over_3', '#ff0000')
-write_name_color('tab_title_2', '#000000')
-def write_ansi():
-    out.write('    group "ansi" array {\n')
-    out.write('        count 16;\n')
-    default = ['#000000',
-               '#cc3333',
-               '#33cc33',
-               '#cc8833',
-               '#3333cc',
-               '#cc33cc',
-               '#33cccc',
-               '#cccccc',
-               '#666666',
-               '#ff6666',
-               '#66ff66',
-               '#ffff66',
-               '#6666ff',
-               '#ff66ff',
-               '#66ffff',
-               '#ffffff']
+def write_ui_colors(out, cfg):
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'def', '#aaaaaa')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'bg', '#202020')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'fg', '#aaaaaa')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'main', '#3599ff')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'hl', '#ffffff')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'end_sel', '#ff3300')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'tab_missed_1', '#ff9933')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'tab_missed_2', '#ff3300')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'tab_missed_3', '#ff0000')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'tab_missed_over_1', '#ffff40')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'tab_missed_over_2', '#ff9933')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'tab_missed_over_3', '#ff0000')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, 'Colors', 'tab_title_2', '#000000')
-    for c in range(15):
-        write_color(cfg.get('Ansi', 'ansi{0:02d}'.format(c),
-                            fallback=default[c]))
+def write_color_block(out, cfg, block):
+    out.write('    group "{}" struct {{\n'.format(block))
+    out.write('    group "Color_Block" struct {\n')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'def')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'black')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'red')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'green')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'yellow')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'blue')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'magenta')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'cyan')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'white')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'inverse_fg')
+    write_named_color(out, cfg, block, 'inverse_bg')
     out.write('    }\n')
+    out.write('    }\n')
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert INI colorschemes to 
EET description files.')
+    parser.add_argument('input_file',
+                        type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+                        help='INI File to convert')
+    parser.add_argument('output_file',
+                        type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+                        help='EET description to write')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
+    cfg.read_file(args.input_file)
+    out = args.output_file
+    assert(int(cfg['Main']['version']) == 1)
+    out.write('group "Color_Scheme" struct {\n')
+    write_md(out, cfg)
+    write_ui_colors(out, cfg)
+    write_color_block(out, cfg, 'Normal')
+    write_color_block(out, cfg, 'Bright')
+    write_color_block(out, cfg, 'Faint')
+    out.write('}\n')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()


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