
I'm just starting to look at git (and cogito).

Earlier this morning I got and built http://pasky.or.cz/~pasky/dev/git/git-pasky-base.tar.bz2
I then did a "git pull pasky" and a make.
All went well.
A couple of hours later I did another git pull pasky and had the problem shown below.

I moved the directory to one side and reissued the commands and all was well:
723 tar xvfj git-pasky-base.tar.bz2
724 cd git-pasky-0.4/
725 make
726 git pull pasky
727 make
728 git pull pasky
729 history | tail -10

This is just a heads up in case there's anything useful here.
It may just have been locking issues and me pulling whilst the repo was being updated or something...

I'll hold the bad directory for a day or two in case anyone wants any diagnostics running.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/everything/devel/git/git-pasky-0.4$ git pull pasky MOTD: Welcome to Petr Baudis' rsync archive. MOTD: MOTD: If you are pulling my git branch, please do not repeat that MOTD: every five minutes or so - new stuff is likely not going to MOTD: appear so fast, and my line is not that thick. Nothing wrong MOTD: with pulling every half an hour or so, of course. MOTD: MOTD: Feel free to contact me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, shall you have MOTD: any questions or suggestions.

Tree change: c29b3b29c2861ab0ffb475c7a7c9cfc946106eaf:5bf2f464d382b0bd746d06e264bc6951e7bfcd3a
*100644->100644 blob 222bce21788308e1bf567304b474225b1681b03b->ad44415110ab63f1daa93e07dc496193d8006d81 Makefile
*100755->100755 blob 667f877ae836c418294ef085e91efcb48d30cabb->035a1f470003c8b0963d0eb5f0eb457155f415ad git
*100755->100755 blob fadd17e52845c5656ba344a9413b29b641c9ff5f->67e97fb71094693929f56d74bc13e572420d99d4 gitcommit.sh
*100755->100755 blob 7ea441e584d603463fb1b83991b88f63a3895cff->18478101980f630f0e9fd95365c6d9f46bf27bfd gitmerge.sh
*100755->100755 blob 9bda6555a1dafc1db762bc46db60d2a9485dc523->8e016f7d3aeb0244c8a6524ddaa4b2cb1ff8015f gitpull.sh
+100755 blob b6e318b31eb2ed6d2e137833a2064327331504b4 gitseek.sh
*100755->100755 blob 30654380c10edde32def8e5fa2e2c956fbff3d58->ce44c1d4ce3b949b8ac99f1b90927da4e698e3de gittrack.sh
-100755 blob 2488078570c4a5709332d92d7a1b5b65036ff3a0 gitupdate.sh
Tracked branch, applying changes...
error: bad signature
error: verify header failed
read_cache: Invalid argument
error: bad signature
error: verify header failed
error: bad signature
error: verify header failed

At this point I moved the directory aside...


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