Hi, Linus!

Linus Torvalds wrote:

On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Clemens Koller wrote:

Over here - using a non-standard ELDK/LFS mixture, git depends at least on:
diffstat (ftp://invisible-island.net/diffstat/diffstat-1.39.tgz)

Hmm.. This should not be true. Any "diffstat"s should be converted to use
"git-apply --stat" instead.

I don't find any diffstat users, so maybe you just remember it from "the old days", and didn't realize that it's not needed any more.

Okay, just FYI: As far as my installation history remembers it was needed
at least up to:
Which is _NOT_ recommended for new installations!
(Can somebody please remove/mark that old stuff to avoid using it?!)

Instead use:

[ That said, anybody who wants to install git might as well install diffstat, it's a useful program in general, and works on more than just unified diffs ]



Clemens Koller
R&D Imaging Devices
Anagramm GmbH
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