On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 01:31:13AM -0700, Mitchell Blank Jr wrote:
> Ian Campbell wrote:
> > I used to subscribe to the kernel RSS feed (using blam) but I found I
> > was only getting the most recent 20 commits, which wasn't much good when
> > a big batch went in because I would miss some.
> Yes, I have that problem too.  It appears to be just the way that gitweb
> works - look at the "git_rss" function in the source:
>   ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/gitweb/gitweb.cgi
> Kay -- is there any chance of fixing this?  I love reading the kernel
> commits via RSS but this makes it a lot less usable than it could be.
> Really it should return all commits within, say, the last 36 hours so as
> long as your aggregator polls reasonably often you won't miss anyhing.

It's 30 now and up to 150 if they are not older than 48 hours.
We can change the numbers, if you hava a better idea...

> The other thing on my wishlish is diffstat -- sometimes the commit messages
> can be a little ambiguous and just adding what files were changed would
> help alot.  For commits that touch a large number of files maybe it could
> just show the files that changed the most like:

For now it just lists all changed files to the log message, similar to the
"commit" view. Is that ok, or do we really need the diffstat, It may be
a bit expensive to generate it for all the commits with every RSS request...

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