
We've been having issues with CVS for some time and I thought I'd give
git a spin. To do some like-for-like tests I'm having a go at importing
our cvs repository into git so I can do some benchmarks on things like
branch creation as well as play around with the visualisation tools.

Obviously the CVS repo is non-trivial as we have many branches (one per
change developed). I've been trying to import script but it seems to
falling over. For starters cvsps is spitting out lots of messages along
the lines of:

WARNING: revision of file scripts/xmltools/t/runtests.pl on
unnamed branch

Before the import script finally dies with:

WARNING: revision of file
scripts/xmltools/t/data/gzip/DO-NOT-BACKUP on unnamed branch
DONE; creating master branch
cp: cannot stat `/export/test/cvstogit/.git/refs/heads/origin': No such
file or directory
usage: git-read-tree (<sha> | -m [-u] <sha1> [<sha2> [<sha3>]])

Is this a just a case of the cvsps not giving output the script can deal
with? Any suggestions on how I can proceed with diagnosing what went

Alex, homepage: http://www.bennee.com/~alex/
Barometer, n.: An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of
weather we are having. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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