Martin Langhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 8/28/05, Kalle Valo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The documentation says that it should be possible to update
>> incrementally from the CVS repository. Am I doing something wrong or
>> is this a bug?
> It _should_ work the way you are running it, so consider it a bug. Do
> you think you can do some tinkering/debugging to tell us some more?

I investigated it and realized that this was my mistake. I had copied
the imported git repository from my laptop to my desktop using 'scp
-r' and it changed .git/HEAD to a file, not a link as it should have
been. I copied it again, this time with tar to preserve symbolic
links, and cvsimport started to work again. So this was just a PEBCAK.
Thanks for your help.

> Otherwise. how large is the cvs repo?

'git log | grep commit | wc -l' says 2704 commits. I have to say that
git has made my life a lot easier. It was really easy to import the
CVS history to git and now I can read the history properly with gitk.
With CVS I would have been banging my head to the wall all the time.

Now all I want is svnimport and darcsimport :)

Kalle Valo

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