On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 01:33:23PM -0600, John 'Warthog9' Hawley wrote:
> It's pretty simple: you sent HTML mail to vger.kernel.org, and it
> explicitly rejects all HTML e-mail.  GMail, particularly from Android,
> apparently doesn't have a way to bypass sending HTML mail (it's been a
> much maligned bug).

Yeah, sigh.  Drew, I suggest that you star the following bug:


... and perhaps leave a comment in the bug report that you can't
interact with the git mailing list because of this limitation.

I'm sure you know (since you indicated that you sent your e-mail via
the web interface of Gmail), that this is at least something you can
control in the desktop/web version of Gmail (just enable "Plain text"
mode) --- but it would certainly be nice if users had the choice of
whether they wanted to participate on vger mailing lists using the
Android application, versus the Web interface, or using Mutt or Pine
on a Linux box.


                                        - Ted
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