On 17/08/12 00:35, Pete Wyckoff wrote:
If a commit fails to apply cleanly to the p4 tree, an interactive
prompt asks what to do next.  In all cases (skip, apply, write),
the behavior after the prompt had a few problems.

Change it so that it does not claim erroneously that all commits
were applied.  Instead list the set of the patches under
consideration, and mark with an asterisk those that were
applied successfully.  Like this example:

I could be wrong about this, but this change doesn't seem to help out with "git p4 rebase", which for me at least, is where the conflicts usually get picked up first.

I modified a file in p4, and the same file in git, and then did 'git p4 rebase' and it just failed in the rebase in the usual way with a big 'ol python backtrace.

If this patch series is intended to sort out conflict handling, then it needs a bit more work.

(Says Luke, trying not to sound too confrontational, as I'm rubbish at handling conflict....)

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