<d...@cray.com> writes:

> Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:
>>> I would be happy to be a guinea pig for libgit2 in order to improve it,
>>> but I don't want to significantly impact git-subtree's move to core.
>>> I'll have to figure out the right balance there given feedback.
>> I expect it will take some time for libgit2 to allow our Makefile to
>> start saying "LDFLAGS += -libgit2"; it will need to become as stable
>> and widespread as other libraries we depend on, e.g. -lz and -lcurl.
> Well that's a chicken-and-egg problem, isn't it.  How will a library
> become widespread unless something uses it?

That something will not be the git core itself.  Otherwise we will
lose a stable reference implementation to catch its bugs.
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