Hi Jens,

Jens Lehmann wrote:
> Am 01.10.2012 08:45, schrieb Ramkumar Ramachandra:
>> Jens Lehmann wrote:
>>> I'm very interested in your feedback as a first time submodule user,
>>> what you wrote above makes sense and explains why you did that patch
>>> (and it would have been nice to read some of it in the commit message
>>> ;-). What information did you expect to get from a "git submodule
>>> show" which isn't already provided by "git status" and "git diff"
>>> (especially as they give you some information the "git submodule"
>>> commands don't)?
>> I expected 'git submodule show' to list all the submodules, and show
>> changes to specific submodules like the 'git submodule summary'
>> output.
> Ok, but "git submodule summary" doesn't list all the submodules,
> only those with changes. Maybe "git submodule status" is closer
> to what you expect (except for the missing changes)?

Yes, "git submodule status" with "git submodule summary"-style change output.

> And - apart from the list of all submodules - the changes to them
> are given by "git status" and "git diff --submodule" too, right?

Oh, I didn't know about "git diff --submodule" at all.

> (sometimes I forget that "--submodule" is not enabled by default,
> as I'm a heavy "git gui" user, and that option is used there. We
> might need a config option to turn that on)

That's a good idea.  I'll write a patch tomorrow.

> Me too would expect a show command to show me a list of all the
> submodules and maybe some extra information (is it populated or
> not, does it have its .git directory embedded, does it contain
> changes). So maybe "show" should be a slightly pimped "status"?

Sure.  Do we want to create a new subcommand though?  Aren't "status"
and "summary" enough already?

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