On 12.09.16 14:55, Виталий Ищенко wrote:
> Good day
> I faced following issue with gitattributes file (at least eol setting)
> when was trying to force `lf` mode on windows.
> We have 2 branches: master & dev. With master set as HEAD in repository
> I've added `.gitattributes` with following content to `dev` branch
> ```
> * text eol=lf
> ```
> Now when you clone this repo on other machine and checkout dev branch,
> eol setting is not respected.
> As a workaround you can rm all files except .git folder and do hard reset.
> Issue is reproducible on windows & unix versions. Test repo can be
> found on github
> https://github.com/betalb/gitattributes-issue
> master branch - one file without gitattributes
> feature-branch - .gitattributes added with eol=lf
> unix-feature-branch - .gitattributes added with eol=crlf
> Thanks,
> Vitalii
Some more information may be needed, to help to debug.

Which version of Git are you using ?
What does

git ls-files --eol

say ?

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