Sergey Organov <> writes:

> OK, I see. So, what is the best way to handle this? Immediately follow
> content change patch with another patch that only re-flows?

Or no reflowing at all.

>> the parents".  I do not know if the updated phrasing is better.  The
>> "name" in the original was meant to be a short-hand for "object name",
>> and I would support a change to spell it out to clarify; "reference"
>> can be a vague word that can mean different things in Git, and when
>> the word is given without context, most Git people would think that
>> the word refers to "refs", but that is definitely not what the new
>> commit records, so...
> I won't insist on the change, but "name" sounded wrong to me, and
> "reference" was most general term I was able to come up with in this
> context.
> ...
> Last, if "reference" is not good enough and we get to internals anyway,
> why not say SHA1 then?

Because that is still colloquial?  I think s/name/object name/ is
a sensible change, but not s/name/reference/.

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