Stefan Beller <> writes:

> My thought was to fix it nevertheless, such that the url recorded as
> remote.origin.url is always the first case (no l or /. at the end).
> If we were to add this fix to clone, then it may be easier to debug
> submodule url schemes for users as the submodule url would then
> be a concatenation of remote.origin.url and the relative part.
> That seems easier to understand than ${remote.origin.url%%/.} +
> relative path, maybe? (Because then the user doesn't need to guess
> or remember historical behavior that is wrong on how this)

Are you declaring that trailing / or /. will now be illegal?  If you
are declaring that, then I agree that new codepaths no longer have
to worry about "strip / or /. before concatenating" and will
simplify things for them.  But otherwise, such a "fix" also would
have an effect of hiding bugs from codepaths.  They still need to be
prepared to see any of the three variants and cope with them
correctly, right?

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