On 28/10/16 08:48, Jacob Keller wrote:
> I would strongly prefer rc.d style directories either with a "if the
> .gitignore is a directory treat it like rc.d" or even "add support for
> .gitignore.d as well as .gitignore"

I think adding .gitignore.d shouldn't break existing systems, is
intuitive, and solves my issue.

Does git know when it is in a repo that is too new to comprehend?

My current thinking is that anywhere a .gitignore can go, so can a
.gitignore.d (named appropriately of course.) Any existing .gitignore
should take precedence to the result of parsing the directory.

I haven't looked at the implementation of precedence yet, but I'd be
surprised if the existing mechanism can't be employed.

> One thing to keep in mind would be that we should make sure we can
> handle the .gitignore being a submodule or a git repository, so that
> users could just do something like
> "git submodule add <repo> .gitignore and then track git ignore
> contents from a repository in a nice way.
> By this I mean that the reading of files in .gitignore directory
> should exclude reading .git or other hidden files in some documented
> manor so as to avoid problems when linking to a git directory for its
> contents.

Nice! I like this a lot.

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