Consider the following two cases:

We have commit X and commit Y.  X is an ancestor of Y.

We're at X and doing get checkout Y -- or we're at Y and we're doing
git checkout X.

Case 1: Between X and Y, we have deleted a submodule.
In order to move from X to Y, git removes the submodule
from the working tree.

Case 2: Between X and Y, we have instead added a submodule.  In order
to move from Y to X (that is, the opposite direction), git *does not*
remove the submodule from the tree; instead, it gives a warning and
leaves the submodule behind.

I don't understand why these two cases are not symmetric.


Perhaps relatedly, consider the attached shell-script, which I have not yet 
made into a full git test because I'm not sure I understand the issues fully.

It creates three commits:

Commit 1 adds a submodule
Commit 2 removes that submodule and re-adds it into a subdirectory (sub1 to 
Commit 3 adds an unrelated file.

Then it checks out commit 1 (first deinitializing the submodule to avoid case 2 
above), and attempts to cherry-pick commit 3.  This seems like it ought to 
work, based on my understanding of cherry-pick.  But in fact it gives a 
conflict on the stuff from commit 2 (which is unrelated to commit 3).

This is confusing to me, and looks like a bug.  What am I missing?


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