Am 08.11.2016 um 01:54 schrieb Ian Jackson:
> Please find in the following mails patches which provide a way to make
> gitk display certain tags in full, even if they would normally be
> abbreviated.

TBH, I see a violation of tool independence with the choice of preference 
storage. Abbreviation of tags isn't a property of the repository, but a pure 
visual thing (screen real estate, whatever), so it should be handled by the 
tool doing the visuals, only.

Your use case looks like a nice opportunity for

- adding a Gitk user preference on how long displayed tags are allowed to be 
(instead of distinguishing between abbreviated and unabbreviated ones; set it 
to 999 for your use case) and/or

- even better, abbreviate them depending on the size of the visible area, like 
a web browser would do, and/or

- considering whether tags should be abbreviated on the left instead of on the 
right and/or

- finding a mechanism to show them in full length even on small visible areas.

The latter could be done by a tooltip appearing when hovering with the mouse 
over an abbreviated tag or by allowing multiple lines for a single commit in 
the list of commits.

Trying to enforce long names just means they're not cut off by the abbreviation 
algorithm, but by the right boundary of the visible area.

My $0.02,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

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