On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 09:44:36PM -0500, Dun Peal wrote:

> I'm using vimdiff as my mergetool, and have the following lines in
> ~/.gitconfig:
> [merge]
>     tool = vimdiff
> [mergetool "vimdiff"]
>     trustExitCode = true
> My understanding from the docs is that this sets
> mergetool.vimdiff.trustExitCode to true, thereby concluding that a
> merge hasn't been successful if vimdiff's exit code is non-zero.
> Unfortunately, when I exit Vim using `:cq` - which returns code 1 -
> the merge is still presumed to have succeeded.
> Is there a way to accomplish the desired effect, such that exiting
> vimdiff with a non-zero code would prevent git from resolving the
> conflict in the merged file?

I don't use mergetool myself, but peeking at the code, it looks like
trustExitCode is used only for a "user" tool, not for the builtin tool
profiles. That sounds kind of confusing to me, but I'll leave discussion
of that to people more interested in mergetool.

However, I think you can work around it by defining your own tool that
runs vimdiff:

  git config merge.tool foo
  git config mergetool.foo.cmd 'vimdiff "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"'
  git config mergetool.foo.trustExitCode true

Though note that the builtin vimdiff invocation is a little more
complicated than that. You may want to adapt what is in git.git's
mergetools/vimdiff to your liking.


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