On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 02:50:37PM -0400, Phil Hord wrote:

> >> git pull --rebase does some clever tricks to find the base
> >> for $upstream , but it forgets that we may not have any
> >> branch at all.  When this happens, git merge-base reports its
> >> "usage" help in the middle of an otherwise successful
> >> rebase operation, because git-merge is called with one too
> >> few parameters.
> >>
> >> Since we do not need the merge-base trick in the case of a
> >> detached HEAD, detect this condition and bypass the clever
> >> trick and the usage noise.
> > Makes sense. I notice there is no test with your patch. It sounds from
> > the description like the operation still may succeed, but we just get
> > cruft on stderr?
> >
> Yes, that's correct.

OK. I'd rather not worry about a test then, as it would necessarily be
flaky with respect to what git-pull might generate on its stderr. I've
queued your patch in 'next'.


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