That looks pretty much like the error we're dealing with, any reason
why going back a point version on Git (not git-lfs) would resolve the
issue however?

On 8 December 2016 at 13:57, Lars Schneider <> wrote:
>> On 08 Dec 2016, at 12:46, Nick Warr <> wrote:
>> Using Git-2.11.0 with the latest git-lfs 1.5.2 (also tested with
>> 1.5.3) cloning from our locally hosted gitlab CE server via HTTPS.
>> When cloning a repo (large, 3.3 gig in git, 10.3 in LFS)  for the
>> first time the clone will finish the checkout of the git part, then
>> when it starts downloading the LFS parts it will reliably finish with
>> a smudge filter error.
>> This leaves the repo in an unstable condition, you can then fetch the
>> lfs part without issue, but checking out the lfs files or trying a git
>> reset --hard will continue to spit out the same error. As you can see,
>> the actual error is not particularly useful.
>> fatal: workers/unity/Assets/3rdPartyAssets/FORGE3D/Sci-Fi
>> Effects/Effects/Debris/Meshes/debris_junk.FBX: smudge filter lfs
>> failed
>> Unknown command ""
>> Possibly it's due to the file extension being all capital letters, we
>> did manage to change the error by recommitting the file with a
>> lowercase extension, but it failed on the next file (which also had a
>> capital letter extension).
>> This has happened on multiple fresh windows 10 64 bit installs,
>> different machines and target directories (to hopefully remove the
>> possibility of file permissions) where cloning is taking place.
>> The solution is to back level to Git 2.10.2 and the error disappears.
>> More than willing to provide any further information,
> Hi Nick,
> debris_junk.FBX is not stored properly in Git LFS.
> I explained the problem in detail here:
> You should add the file properly to GitLFS to fix the problem.
> However, I think this is a regression in GitLFS and I hope it will
> be fixed in the next version.
> No change/fix in Git is required.
> Cheers,
> Lars

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