On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 5:51 PM, Stephen & Linda Smith <isch...@cox.net> wrote:
> Why does gmail make it unnecessarily hard?

I read email with the gmail web interface, which is wonderful because
of the server-side searching etc. The only real downside is the weak
threading, but you get used to it.

I personally find IMAP and POP to be a tool of the devil, and have
never had a good experience with them as a mail interface. In theory
IMAP is supposed to support server-side searches, in practice it never
worked for me.

But the problem with sending patches using the web interface is that
you cannot attach things inline without gmail screwing up whitespace.

I suggested to some googler that a "attach inline" checkbox in the
would be a wonderful option for text attachments, but considering that
the android gmail app still has no text-only option I don't think that
suggestion went anywhere.

> I thought that a good percentage of the kernel maintainers use git send-email.
> what would make that command easier to use with gmail?

Oh, I can send inline stuff (as I just re-sent that patch), but then I
have to fire up alpine and do it the old-fashioned way. So it's an
extra step. So since I spend all my time at the gmail web interface
_anyway_, the attachment model ends up being the slightly more
convenient one.

And sure, I could use git-send-email as that extra step instead, but
I'd rather just use alpine. That's the extra step I do for some other
things (ie the "200-email patch-bomb from Andrew Morton" things - I'm
not using the web interface for _that_).


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