
I'm seeing intermittent failures of t0021. If I run it as follows (using
a ramdisk as temporary space, and `EXPENSIVE` turned off), it fails on
average about every 40 attempts:

$ make -j8 O=0 && (cd t && for i in $(seq 200); do if ./t0021-*.sh ;
then echo "passed attempt $i"; else echo "failed on attempt $i"; break;
fi ; done )

(I've also seen it fail while running the whole test suite, so it is not
the tight test loop that triggers the problem.)

The output when it fails is

Initialized empty Git repository in
[master (root-commit) 56d459b] test commit 1
 Author: A U Thor <aut...@example.com>
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitattributes
[master c30c7fc] test commit 2
 Author: A U Thor <aut...@example.com>
 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test.r
 create mode 100644 test2.r
 create mode 100644 test4-empty.r
 create mode 100644 testsubdir/test3 'sq',$x.r
sort: cannot read: rot13-filter.log: No such file or directory
--- expected.log        2016-12-27 17:58:18.017505012 +0000
+++ rot13-filter.log    2016-12-27 17:58:18.017505012 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-x IN: clean test.r 57 [OK] -- OUT: 57 . [OK]
-x IN: clean test2.r 14 [OK] -- OUT: 14 . [OK]
-x IN: clean test4-empty.r 0 [OK] -- OUT: 0  [OK]
-x IN: clean testsubdir/test3 'sq',$x.r 49 [OK] -- OUT: 49 . [OK]
-      1 START
-      1 STOP
-      1 init handshake complete
not ok 15 - required process filter should filter data

The failure bisects to

    9c48b4f "t0021: minor filter process test cleanup", 2016-12-04

If I test the two parts of that commit separately, it is the removal of
the `.` arguments from `git commit` that triggers the failures (i.e.,
not the removal of the creation of `.gitignore`).

It's possible that the test was unreliable or racy even before this
change, but I have run the same test 1000+ times against the parent
commit (b18f6a00662524443cfb82f5fed7d3b54524c8ab) under the same
conditions without seeing a single failure. So *something* seems to have
been changed for the worse by this commit.

I don't plan to look into it any further, but if you have trouble
reproducing the problem don't hesitate to contact me.


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